5 Ways to Find Courage to Deal with Giant-Sized Problems

1 Samuel 17:32
“Don’t worry about this Philistine,” David told Saul.  “I’ll go fight him.”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Saul replied.  “There’s no way you can fight this Philistine and possibly win!  You’re only a boy, and he’s been man of war since his youth.”

How in the world did David find the courage to fight a giant? 

We know the end of the story: without fear, David defeats the giant with a sling and a few stones. Everyone else cowered in fear.

Last week, I wrote about how David’s perspective differed from the other soldiers.  No doubt, perspective was a key component to slaying Goliath.  If you missed it, read it here.

So back to my original question:  How did David find the courage to fight a tormenting, taunting giant? 

I’m convinced David’s courage came from remembering how God had helped him in the past.

David was a shepherd boy who took care of his father’s sheep and goats.  When a BEAR or LION tried to steal them, David went after the lion and the bear!   (Can you imagine?  I think I would have cut my losses.)

But not David.  David went after these ferocious animals with such a fearless vengeance, knowing God would be faithful, yet again, to deliver him from the claws of the bear... and the lion.  (See 1 Sam. 17:34-37)   David KNEW if God had helped him in those situations, CERTAINLY He would be faithful when faced with the mere hands of a pagan Philistine.

The same is true with us when faced with our giant-sized problems… WE MUST REMEMBER what God has done for us and how He has helped us in the past.

Personally, when I think back over the past year… even the last six months, I’m in awe at the giant-sized problems God has walked me through. There were days, weeks, and months that were really, hard.  But in every circumstance, God took me by the hand, directed me with His Word and walked me safely through to the other side.

As I face my current giant-sized problem, why would I fear?  Why should you fear?    As you think about the giants you are currently facing:

  1. Remember  all God has walked you through or what He has done in answer to prayer.  It could have been 20 years ago, 2 years ago or just 20 days ago…
  2. Thank Him again for His intervention during those difficult seasons.
  3. Trust Him  and begin thanking Him for His intervention now.
  4. Cooperate with  Him to guide you through.  (See Psalm 25:4-5; Psalm 27:11; Psalm 32:8-9)
  5. Allow Him to use the current giant to strengthen your faith walk, drawing you ever closer to Jesus.

I love what our May luncheon speaker, Kim Powell, said about the giants or hard things that come into her life.

She aggressively speaks out loud to her giant, “I’m gonna strap a harness on you and make you draw me closer to Jesus.  I’m not afraid of you.”

I love it!

She can aggressively approach her giants because she, like David,  REMEMBERS all God has done for her in the past and with bone-deep resolve trusts Him to deal with this next giant, drawing her ever closer to Jesus.

As we apply the principles found in God’s Word, we too can count on God to do the same for us when faced with giant-sized problems.

Author: Tara