Facing the Giants that Overwhelm You

1 Samuel 17:25, 26
“…have you seen the giant?” the men asked. 
David asked the soldiers standing nearby… “Who is this pagan Philistine anyway, that he is allowed to defy the armies of the living God?”

In my quiet time, I recently came to the account of David and Goliath.   The timing is perfect.  God is teaching me afresh how to face the “giants” that threaten to send me into a state of overwhelmed paralysis.

Giants or impossible situations will often seek to:

  • intimidate us  
  • torment us or
  • scare us into a paralysis of fearful non-movement – much like Goliath did to Israel’s army.  

The giant’s we face can often be so overwhelming, we do nothing.  However, David’s perspective has challenged the way I’m approaching the giants in my life.
In reading 1 Samuel 17, the men from Israel’s army describe Goliath as a giant.   But all David saw was a pagan Philistine defying the armies of the living God.  It’s as if David and  men saw two totally different things.  While the men saw a giant, David saw a mortal man defying his big, awesome God.

What a difference the right perspective makes when we see how big God is.  In this season of life, what giants are trying to intimidate you into paralysis?

  • Inability to pay the bills giant?
  • Health issue giant?
  • Impossible marriage giant?
  • Inability to have a baby giant?
  • Prodigal child giant?
  • Forgiveness of what may seem unforgivable giant?
  • Work issue deadlines that loom like a giant?

David has inspired me to approach my impossible or giant-sized problems with a different mindset. I’ve intentionally begun to study (yet again), how BIG God is.   When we study and meditate on how big God is, our giants will loose their power over our emotions and thinking. 

Just as David was a child of God, when we are child of God, we have:

  • The Maker, Creator of the Universe on our side – (Romans 8:28)
  • The Source of wisdom ready to help us.   (James 1:5 and 1 Cor 1:30)
  • The Director ready to guide –  if we’ll listen.  (Psalm 32;8)
  • The God Who says, “Do not be afraid” comforting us.   (2 Timothy 1:7)
  • The God Who says, “I will supply all your needs,” encouraging us.  (Phil 4:19)
  • The God Who says, “I will give you rest,” recharging us.  (Matt. 11:28-30)
  • The God Who says, “All things are possible with Me,” filling us with faith.  (Luke 18:27)

 So whatever giant you may be facing…  Don’t tell God how big your giant is… Tell your giant how BIG your God is.

Yes, say it out loud when fear tries to paralyze you; pray it; believe it and trust God to act on your behalf when facing your giants.

Next Post:  Finding the courage to act on what we believe –

Author: Tara