Submissive Wives’ Guide to Marriage Details

Deuteronomy 31:6
“Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid and do not panic before them.  For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you.  He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

Late Friday night when I got home from a women’s event in Fayetteville, my husband was fast asleep.  The TV was quietly on.

I wasn’t sleepy, but didn’t want to bother him by turning up the TV.  So I decided to scroll the guide to see if the show was on the TLC schedule yet.  

I don’t know why it surprised me, but there it was! This thing is actually going to be aired!


New Name:    Submissive Wives’ Guide to Marriage
New Date:      Sunday, May 17th
Time:              9:00pm & 11:00pm

I’m going to be totally honest with you – the closer we get, the greater the fear I’ve been fighting.  I won’t even list the fearful things trying to take residency in my mind.  But I will tell you what I’ve sensed God saying in response:

“Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid and do not panic before them.  For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you.  He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”  Deut. 31:6

Side note:  God will speak this personally to YOU too.  Friday’s luncheon is on this very subject. See below

Today I talked to the producer.  I cannot get a sneak peak prior to air time.  I’ll be watching it for the first time with all of you!    But following my quiet time and my talk with her, I am at peace.  God is putting faith in my heart and used her to put my questions at ease.  (Truly, I had second thoughts about promoting it to you again…)

But this is where faith steps in.  Trusting that He Who began a good work, is well able to bring it to completion.  THIS IS GOD’S PROJECT; HIS SHOW; It’s HIS IDEA to help marriages in America, through Biblical principles espoused in this show.  When I remember this perspective, the butterflies in my stomach take a nap!

What you can do to Help

  • Share the shows premier!  Rally the Body of Christ in your corner of the world to watch it.  (Forward this blog – share it on social media)
  • Give Feedback either during or after the show – comment on social media   Twitter and TLC Facebook page  are HUGE.  The TLC website is too.
  • PRAY – the concepts espoused in Exodus 19:5.  For the show to:
  1. Represent His way of life – that others may want to learn more about it.
  2. Teach His Word – BIG marriage principles are taught
  3. Be an agent of salvation –  

By the way:  the 2 BIG Biblical principles that made the show:
1.  Submission – explained and lived out.  (Obviously!)
2.  Intimacy in Marriage

Get ready!  Buckle your seat belts.  Not too many TV shows on the air are encouraging married couples in this very important area.  Don’t miss it or let your friends miss it!


Speaker: Kim Powell
Hearing the Voice of God in Your Everyday Life
God does not just speak with a certain, elite few.  He desires to have open communication with ALL of His children.   In this session, you will:
  • Learn what it means and what it looks like when God speaks practically God to you.
  • How to listen and discern His voice among all the chatter and competition for your attention.
​Do not miss this foundational opportunity.  Hearing God speak in your everyday circumstances is LIFE CHANGING.
Q&A from the General Session with Kim
Ask your questions!  REMOVE any mystery of God speaking personally to you!
Keep your Momentum in the Summer
Don’t let the heat of the summer sap your relationship with Jesus.  We’ll give you ideas and suggestions to keep your time fresh and revived!  
Our book table will be stocked with great summer reading/suggestions so your relationship with Jesus doesn’t wilt with the heat!

Author: Tara

  • I am soon to be married and have come across the submissive life recently and it has already saved our engagement (and I have never been happier). I was raised by a single mother and taught by the matriarchs of my family to be independent and "stand my man". This way of thinking was perpetuated in my Los Angeles surroundings. It has been difficult to find visual content (vs books) on this topic and I was elated to find TLC running this show. You have great charisma and I really enjoyed your interaction with Kristin. I plan on calling TLC because I feel so strongly that they should continue to air this show, and to help counter any negative press. Thanks!

  • Hey, I don't know you but I came across your blog after the show aired. I'm glad you got the opportunity to participate in the show, and I hope your experience was positive. I'm guessing as a Christian woman that you went into this with the best of intentions and a genuine desire to help people understand our choice to live in a way that we feel is in line with the Bible.

    That being said, I was really disappointed with this show. Maybe it was the editing, but I felt like it made submissive wives look like cartoon characters. I didn't feel like it was flattering, and felt like it perpetuated the Stepford Wife stereotype that I get thrown at me by unbelievers a lot. I don't think that has as much to do with you as it does TLC's production team. That channel seems to turn Christian culture into some sort of televised fetishism. "Oh, look at these people who don't kiss until they are married!" "Oh man, this family has more than 3 kids! CRAZY RIGHT?" and now "This lady submits to her husband. YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!"

    Anyway, i'm not trying to discourage you or bust your chops about it. I think it's a problem with TLC in general. I don't like having my marriage painted into some Pleasantville fantasy. Submission begins in the heart, and has to do with a reverence for God and a regeneration of our hearts. There is no "checklist" we can follow to be submissive to our husbands. Putting on a fake smile and singing your way through the laundry when you are raging inwardly isn't submission.

    Serving our husbands because we have been served by the most High God and have grateful hearts that overflow is submission.

  • I watched the show and fell in Love! I wish you would write a book to put it in the way you did on the show. I would love to learn more on how to be a submissive wife and have an easy guideline to follow. Also hearing how it was when you first decide to become submissive. I don't have a close relationship with God but after watching the show, I want to have one and work on it. Thank you so much! I hope there will be more shows and a book!

  • I loved the show. I thought it was wonderful. It was refreshing to hear another take on what a marriage can be like. I think it was incredibly brave for you to make a decision that something needed to change in order for your relationship to get better and stronger. My husband and I watched the show together and we both think there is a lot to learn from it. I really really hope there will be more episodes picked up because I think what your doing is helpful and can be very beneficial to many of us.

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