The Test of Submission & the Conclusion to the TV Story

1 Peter 3:1
“… you wives must accept the authority of your husbands.” (NLT)

Quick review:  I recently filmed a Pilot Episode for TLC called Submissive Wives.  The date has changed   It’s slated to appear May 18th.  (Subject to change.)

God calls us to go forward without fear – into the unknown, into the unfamiliar.  He calls us to go forward, right where we are, with exactly what we have.

When you sense God calling you out of the boat, we must remember:  (See previous posts)

Principle #1:  Listen for peace
Principle #2:  Get a Word
Principle #3:  Ask for a sign (Exception, NOT the rule.  Faith pleases God)
Principle #4:  Obey what you sense God saying.
Principle #5:  God’s voice trumps all others.  

But what if your husband says NOyet you sense God telling you to get out of the boat?  Refer to Principle #6 – 

Principle #6:  God brings confirmation through our husband.

And if he initially is not on board, you’ve just received a test called:  submission.  The test of submission (for a married woman) is an important part of our calling.

God has given our husbands the responsibility of being the leader in our homes.  It’s His divine order for the family.  This does not mean:

  • we, as women are inferior or less than – 
  • It’s not an issue of superiority – 
  • It’s not a second class citizenship.

It’s the God given chain of command in the home.  The only exceptions to submission are:

  1. Adultery
  2. Abuse
  3. Worship of other gods
  4. Asking you to do something immoral or illegal.  

If the above does not apply to you:) –  and your husband is opposed to what you sense God is calling you to – you must submit.  It’s a test that will ultimately make us stronger and more qualified for the calling.  A few practical things we can do when our men are not on board…

  1. Double check to make sure we have not misunderstood God’s direction.  (Go back to your Shepherd and get clarity.)
  2. Know that our calling must be for a future season.  (Begin praying God will move in your husband’s mind, heart and circumstances.)
  3. Trust God’s protection through your husband.
  4. Determine NOT to help God like Sarah, Abraham’s wife did.  (Genesis 16)

Do you know the story?  God promised Abraham many descendants.  But there was only one problem:  Sarah, could not have children.

So she decided to help God fulfill the promise by giving Hagar, her servant, to Abraham.  The child from this union was Ishmael.  What a mess this turned out to be!  See more in Genesis 16 &21.

Whatever God is calling us to – HE ALONE can bring it about.  Our job moving forward is

  • to pray; 
  • to trust God through our husbands;
  • to continue walking with Jesus daily by obeying the big and small.
  • Watching for Him in your circumstances and then joining Him in the work!

This is when God blesses our water walking!  He trains us in the field of everyday circumstances to fulfill the calling He’s placed on our lives.  

I personally believe He uses the test of submission in order to see what’s in our hearts…  To see if we can be trusted with the plans He has for us…

The Conclusion of how this TV stuff started!

The casting company’s continued correspondence in January began to scare me.    I began begging, no BEGGING God to close to the door if this was not Him.

My greatest fears have been: embarrassing the Lord; representing Him wrong; making the Body of Christ look foolish or embarrassing my family.

Yet, just as Christ prayed in the garden prior to His death, I prayed in tandem with the begging,  “Not my will, but Yours be done.”

He answered by giving me this verse in my quiet time:

“You parents, if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead?  Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake?  Of course not!  So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children how much more your heavenly Father gives good gifts to those who ask Him.”

I believe He was reminding me that when I pray in accordance to His will, He’s NOT going to throw me under the bus!

Very soon after this Word in Scripture, a contract came.  It wasn’t a good one.  We had a friend who’s an attorney review it.  His words, “YOU are the submissive wife in this contract.   It is very one-sided.”

I was relieved!  It would end here.  This probably would not be worked out…

But in my quiet time one snowy morning in February during the week of negotiations, “What He opens, no one can close; and what He closes, no one can open,”  (Revelation 3:7)  jumped out at me in my quiet time.

And sure enough – the door was not shut.  After an hour of discussion with the president of the casting company, my husband was comfortable with moving forward…

After 5 days of filming (my part, the other 2 other couples had their own days of filming), the Pilot is complete.  It’s still in the editing phase.  (Pray for the Lord to direct the hands who are editing.)

Whether or not this whole concept goes to series is not for me to worry about it.  It’s God’s show – It was His idea through an executive at TLC.  He will do whatever He determines.

In the meantime, the new air date is May 18th:)

I hope these 6 principles for water walking have helped you in your current calling.  Would love to hear your feedback…

If you live in the Cary/Raleigh/Durham area, please join me – 
THIS Saturday, May 2nd
Wingate by Windham Hotel:  at I40 and 54 in Cary/Raleigh line.
9:00 am is when the morning session begins.

I’ve been invited to speak at a very unique conference that I’m super excited about!

I’m the final speaker of the MORNING session!  Tina Bailey is the planner.  THIS is a woman who’s getting out of HER boat to put on this conference in her corner of the world…

Click HERE for ticket information

Author: Tara

  • Tara, I enjoyed your TV program tonight on TLC. As a result I have found your website and have already enjoyed many of your posts.

    I would like for you to clarify what you meant when you listed the exceptions for submission on this post please. This is the first time I have read any Christian marriage blogger give this many exceptions so I'm a little confused. Why these exceptions? If you have already blogged about them a nudge to the appropriate posts would be appreciated. Thanks and I can't wait to read more from you!

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