6 Principles to Walking on Water, Part 2

Matthew 15:29
So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on water toward Jesus.

Quick review:  I recently filmed a Pilot Episode for TLC called Submissive Wives. Currently it’s slated to appear May 3rd*.  (*Subject to change, I’ll let you know!)

God wants us to walk by faith and not by sight just like Peter did when he climbed over the side of the boat to walk on water.  He wants us to take risks for His Name sake.  He wants us to bring great glory to Him and Him alone in our corners of the world.

How is God calling YOU out of your boat?  There are many ways He calls us out of the boat – both big and small.  (See previous post in cast you missed #1-3)

Below are six principles I apply prior to getting out of MY boat.

Principle #1:  Listen for peace
Principle #2:  Get a Word
Principle #3:  Ask for a sign (Exception, NOT the rule.  Faith pleases God)

Principle #4:  Obey what you sense God saying.

It’s the only appropriate response when you know the God of the Universe is SPEAKING PERSONALLY TO YOU.   Even if we’re wrong, God is honored by obedience and will gently redirect us.

In my case, I sensed God was telling me to connect with the casting company.   I obeyed.  Following the skype interview, we laughed thinking we’d never hear from them again.

But 2 months later, we did.

Then again the following month.

Which led to multiple phone calls and emails.

I began seeing, “Wives submit to your husbands…” multiple times in my quiet time.   I started freaking out…  Begging God to close doors that are not meant for me to walk through.

Soon they started talking about a potential contract.

I needed another Word!!!  (See Principle #2!)

In my quiet time following a desperate cry to hear, He seemed to reiterate some of the same words given to me in Jeremiah 1:17-19:

Acts 26:16, “Now get to your feet!  For I have appeared to you to appoint you as my servant and witness.  You are to tell the world what you have seen.  [I have seen God work MIRACLES in my marriage in response to obedience and prayer.]

I will rescue you from your own people [I understood this to mean believers who may not support me or think I’m nuts for doing a reality TV show … maybe even friends who agree with my actions]

and from the Gentiles [I took this to mean protection from unbelievers and scoffers of submission in marriage]

Yes I am sending you to the Gentiles to open their eyes, so they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God.  Then they will receive forgiveness for their sins and be given a place among God’s people, who are set apart by faith in Me.”  [I believe He was saying, “Through this project, I’m going to draw many to Myself.  I’m sending you as my servant.”]

The tricky part came when some of my closest friends, out of love for me, were skeptical. VERY skeptical.

Don’t be surprised if this happens when you attempt a risk for God.  Out of love and concern, well-meaning people will often discourage you from getting out of the boat.  (I’m not saying ignore wise counsel, but I am saying wise counsel should align with what God is telling you.)

This is why it’s important to KNOW the voice of God.  (John 10)   Jesus promises His sheep will know His voice.  With my friends saying something totally different than what I sensed God telling me to do, I had to intentionally apply principle #5…

Principle #5:  God’s voice trumps all others.  
(If you need help discerning the voice of God – don’t miss May’s luncheon!!!  Click HERE)

My friends hesitantly accepted after I shared what I sensed God saying.  Yet, I’ll be really honest, this principle was difficult to navigate.  Some of the friends I’m describing are not mere acquaintances, but praying women.  It would have been very easy to take a poll and make a decision based on what my godly girlfriends thought.

But this isn’t walking with Jesus.  And it’s NOT faith.  Don’t close a door God may be opening because of the opinion of others.  Go to the Lord and hear from Him.

The one person who’s opinion really mattered…  The one person who’s support I WOULD NEED in order for this project to happen… was my husband.

If Tim would have said, “No,” that would have been it.

But he didn’t.  His support was further confirmation of God’s direction.

Principle #6:  God confirms His plans through our husbands.

Tim has wholeheartedly been on board from the beginning.  (Even when they asked us to film a romantic scene.  That was awkward…  More on this later.)

Point being:  When you get out of the boat, God’s voice must trump others.  Don’t take a poll.  Your friends are not responsible to God for your obedience, only you are.  God will honor your water walking obedience!

But what if your husband says NO, yet you sense God telling you to get out of the boat?  What do you do???

NEXT POST plus the rest of the story!

Join me – Next Saturday, May 2nd
Wingate by Windham Hotel in Raleigh,

I’ve been invited to speak at a very unique conference that I’m super excited about!

I’m the final speaker of the morning session!
Click HERE for ticket information

Author: Tara