An Open Door – God’s Project; His Creation

Luncheon Friday, April 17th!
Speaker:  Suzi McDuffee

7 Principles for a Duracell Marriage…
Details – Click HERE

Psalm 33:6
The Lord merely spoke, and the heavens were created.

Recently, the Lord added a new role to my plate…  It’s a role I initially did not want.  I even prayed… no begged against it.  (This started 6 months ago.  I’ll share that story next post.)

But the Lord has made clear – THIS is a door HE has opened.  Therefore, I am fully embracing it; wholeheartedly on board and now praying for it’s success!

I’ll be honest, I’ve struggled in verbalizing to you what this new role is.  (Hence, one of the reasons for my lack of communication lately.)   It’s SO awkward in saying it out loud.    In fact, the people I’ve shared this with – look at me like I have 3 heads when I tell them!

So before sharing, can you promise not to look at me like I have 3 heads and just resolve to pray for the project?!   As I have watched God work in and through this project, it’s His idea; His creation.  Be encouraged:  God is at work in wanting to do a BIG WORK in marriages across America.  I believe He wants to show nonbelievers AND believers alike that His way of doing marriage works.

The Role:  Marriage Mentor on a Pilot Episode that will premier on TLC May 3rd.  Reality TV – Oh my word!  YES, it is surreal!  (This date could change – will keep you updated.)

The show is about the infamous “S” word.   The word is laughed at, scorned and mocked, sadly to the detriment of those it was designed to bless.   It’s a word that makes most every woman CRINGE.  (At the least the ones who do not understand it’s significance and blessing.)

The word… Submission!

The show will be called Submissive Wives! 

Although, I’m not a fan of the title, I LOVE that the show will attempt to shatter modern stereotypes of this VERY misunderstood concept – revealing it to be the blessing God intended for women.  As a result, I believe it will ultimately:

  1. Represent God’s way of life  (How many TV shows do this?   Maybe 2?)
  2. Teach His Word (although I have to tap dance around the word Bible so that it captures a larger audience);
  3. Be an agent of salvation.
We filmed the majority of the pilot mid March.  Last week, the film crew came back to complete the project.    
Right now, it’s just a pilot episode involving three couples.  (Pilot episode means – just one episode.)  However there is potential for it could become a series!  (A series is 8+ episodes!)  The thought of this thrills my heart!  I love that there could be SOMETHING on TV showing/teaching women that Biblical marriage works!

Regardless if it’s one episode or twelve, without a shadow of a doubt, I know this is God’s show.  It’s His idea.  I am on the sidelines watching Him use television executives in New York and Washington accomplish His purposes.  It’s actually quite amazing.  

But one thing is certain and I give God all the praise:  Before the crew left my house last week, the director, Allison, shared with me, “Whether or not this show goes to series, the making of this show has changed our lives (the crew) and everyone in New York working on it.  We will not be the same after this.”
THIS is the power of God’s Word.  It works every time!

Please join me in praying over the editing process – so that MANY will be drawn to our amazing God and His Word through this door He is opening.

PS.  This month’s luncheon speaker, Suzi McDuffee, has taught me SO much as it relates to Biblical marriage.  Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from her THIS FRIDAY!

Next Post:  I’ll share how this all started… and pictures from our shoot:)

Author: Tara

  • This is very exciting, I will definitely be praying for you! You've touched my life in several ways, allowing God to work through you. I'm praying He will reach thousands more through this opportunity!

  • Wow! What exciting news! I've heard you speak at 2 different Wake Co MOPS meetings and have been a blog follower for years. I'll be praying for positive reception of and open doors for this pilot episode and future episodes (God willing)! Best wishes!

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