Luncheon and Quiet Time Panel ROCKED!

Hebrews 12:1
“…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…”

Last week, in answer to prayer, MY God did immeasurably more than I imagined when the Luncheon Invitation, sent only 2 days ahead of time, drew 78 women to hear life changing messages from Sarah Bush and our Quiet Time Panel workshop segment!!!

It’s always so fun to see familiar faces and meet new friends.  We had 25 new people Friday!  Very cool!

To see more pics from Friday, click HERE.   Thanks to Fuller, we have awesome pictures to tell the story!

Sarah did an amazing job!  The verse Sarah used that I loved the most was Hebrews 12:1, “…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…”

Sarah encouraged us to:
  1. Make spending time with God a priority.  
Renew your mind with WHO you are in Christ!
We had hoped to provide everyone in attendance with the above, but ran into copy/print issues.  If you’d like to download and print off – this is a keeper!  Click HERE to download.
2.  Persevere  with THANKSGIVING even in the pain.  Thessalonians 5:18, “give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you.”
3.  Focus on the finish line.

She used a backpack full of heavy books to illustrate the things that hinder us and the sins that so easily entangles – such as: fear, people approval and worries…

and to THROW IT OFF so we can run the race God has for each of us.

Our Quiet Time Panel… ROCKED Friday’s workshop!!!

It was FABULOUS!!!!!!!    
We had women who represented DIFFERENT seasons of life, share what their quiet time looks like. They shared personally and authentically.  

The neat thing to see:  Not two women did the same thing in her time with the Lord.  It made me think of our fingerprints.  Just as each of our fingerprints are unique, so our time with our God is unique to each of us!

I think this needs to be a General Session next fall sometime.  Too rich not to be.

THANK YOU Panel Members:  Brigitte Harrison, Lisa Grimes, Sarah Bush, Autumn Weikert, Kelly Hollis.

Knowing God Ministries turns 7 this year.  THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the $7 a month for a year campaign!  Thank you for every amount given!
We are grateful.  This campaign specifically will help sustain us (especially during slow summer months) so we can continue to do ministry year round.  
These were the center-pieces to celebrate.  Kelly and Amy are so amazingly creative!  Truly, their God given gift.

Author: Tara

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