Your Greatest Need

Psalm 9:10

Those who know your name trust in You, for You, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for You.
What an amazing promise from the above Scripture!

As we enter 2015, what is your greatest need?   I guarantee God has a Name to meet that need…

Is it a job?  
Then praise God as Elohim.  He is Creator God.  He Who created something out of nothing, is certainly ABLE to create a job for you.
Are you or someone you love sick?
Then praise God as Jehovah-rapha – the Lord that  heals.  He is ABLE to heal emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Do you desire life in a prodigal child or a marriage that’s on the brink of death?   
Praise Jesus as the Resurrection and Life.  He specializes in bringing dead thing to life.  (You will need to cooperate with Him…)
Is it a bill or multiple bills that need to be paid?
Praise Him as Jehovah-jireh, the Lord will provide.  He owns the cattle on a thousand hills!  (Psalm 50:10)

Do you need hope?  Do you need for your 2014 to be vastly different from 2015?
Praise Him as the God of Hope!  Hope always points to the future.  God assures us in Him our futures can be dramatically different from our past.  (See Romans 15:13)

Are you overwhelmed with work issues or life issues?
Praise God as El Shaddai, the All -Sufficient One.  He is Sovereign and is able to work out all the details of your life if you’re willing to invite Him into your circumstances and follow in obedient faith.
Our God is El Elyon, Most High God.  He is above all others.  None can rival Him.  He is Creator of heaven and earth.  He is God for all people.  Jump into the Word… Praise Him for Who He is… and lay your requests before Him.

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Author: Tara