The Truth vs the Lies

Note from Tara:
About a year ago, Sarah Bush joined the KGM Team.  Getting to know her, I’ve found her to be one of the most humble people I know.  She came to the team with a ministry of her own – yet NOT ONCE as she ever sought to promote herself.  

That’s one of the reasons it’s why it’s my delight to promote her!  She’ll be the speaker at Friday’s luncheon!  

Before Christmas at one of our Team meetings, she prayed the verse you’ll read below.  I was struck by this old verse in a fresh way!   I’ve pondered it ever since.  May it do the same for you!

It is my pleasure to introduce my friend and colleague:  

Sarah Bush

Every year we put a scripture verse on our greeting cards. Yet this year it wasn’t the typical verse you might associate with Christmas. The verse came from a conversation Jesus had with Pilate right before His death.
Pilate retorted, “You are a king, then!” (Notice this is not a question but a cynical statement)

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a King. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth.” (my bold and italics)   John 18:37
For many, truth is relative.  It becomes whatever the majority of people agree with or whatever helps advance their own personal power or political goals with blatant disregard for morality.  In Jesus we have a standard for truth in our moral behavior.
Yet, the enemy fills us with the lie that the world has what we need to be satisfied.  
I’ve fallen for the lies and have tried to find satisfaction in… food, exercise, romance novels, shopping, more food, people pleasing, reputation, money, and the list could go on and on.
The enemy tempts us in little ways to think, “No one will ever know.”  Or we’re given a little success and we’re made to believe it was our own efforts that brought the success.  
But then when our life falls apart, we’re devastated.
The enemy also wants us to believe we have no purpose and to give up hope.  

But Scriptures encourage us to think about what is true, to know the truth that will set us free.
This King wants you to know the truth!  The truth is…
God loves you and sent His Son Jesus as a humble baby. Jesus lived His life on earth so we could know what God is like. God’s perfect plan to deliver us from the enemy was carried out when Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Jesus paid the price for you so by faith in His forgiveness you could come to Him just as if you never sinned.
God never promised life would be easy or without suffering, but He has promised to be Emmanuel, God with us!
Are you struggling to discern the truth from the lies?
Are you weary of the struggles in life and losing hope?
At the Luncheon Jan. 16th, I’ll share:

  • my temptations to give up, but you’ll be encouraged to hear God’s faithfulness.
  • How to renew our minds with TRUTH.
  • Ways to persevere so we can receive all God has in store for 2015!

Hope to see you there!

January Luncheon – Friday, January 16th

Next week:  What is Your Greatest Need as we start 2015? Is it a job?  Is it life in a prodigal child or a dead marriage?   I guarantee you God has a Name to meet that need…
Also:  Pictures from Energize your Marriage night.  

Before arriving last night: I thought maybe 40 would attend due to the weather.  130 braved the icky forecast! 
We had a total blast learning, laughing and being irritated at the Biblical Job Description (yes they approached me at the book table very irritated). But in the end – TRUTH prevailed and ladies left with hope.  Thanks to Fuller, we have pictures to remember the evening!   More next week.
Shallow thought:   Had I have known how big this event was going to be – I would have scheduled my cut/color appointment a few days earlier;)  I’m in desperate need!

Cary Heise,the planner for this event – is a rock star in my eyes.  She’ll be leading a workshop at our Women’s Conference this year.  More on her next week as well!

Author: Tara