For Life’s Little Discomforts…

Psalm 118:28
“You are my God, and I will give you thanks.”

Walking Jake these last few cold mornings has not been a fun start the day.  Despite the sun being out, the rush of cold air feels like a slap in the face.  But Jake’s a Lab.

Yep, that’s him in the back of my car.  He doesn’t know he’s a dog.  So the alternative of a non-walk is worse.  He MUST be walked or he’ll drive us all crazy!  The earlier, the better!

Upon walking down the driveway to get to the walking route, my natural inclination is to begin inwardly complaining.   Then I become grumpy – and it’s not even 8:00am!

One morning last week, I decided to do just the opposite!  I began intentionally thanking God for all the blessings I normally take for granted.  For starters:

  • My health – Lord, forgive me when I take this for granted.
  • My warm cozy house.  How blessed I am to live in a house.  So many around the world live in tents or on the streets or in horrible conditions.  
  • An indoor bathroom… (Can I get an “AMEN?!”)
  • Warm, hot showers –
  • A pillow to lay my head at night –
  • A comfy bed to sleep in –
  • Plenty of food in my pantry –
  • A grocery store down the street in which to buy groceries –
  • Grocery stores that never run out of food to buy!
  • Clean water to drink –
  • A Bible teaching church
  • A relationship with the God Who created me and adores me (and you!)
  • For Jesus – so that I could HAVE this relationship – 
  • A purpose for getting up in the morning – 
  • For the opportunity to home school one of my children – 
  • A family who loves me and supports my work in KGM.
  • A team of women who serve wholeheartedly because they have a keen understanding that it’s not me or KGM they are serving, but the God of the universe.  (It’s hard to find volunteers like this.)
  • A computer that works – it’s not super fast – but it works!  (And I know how to use it.)
  • War not being fought on our home soil.
  • No bombs going off in my back yard…  (Women in other countries face this terror each day.)
  • Electricity in the house.

My father grew up in rural eastern North Carolina.  He did not have running water or electricity until he was 10 years old. (This was in the 1950’s!)  This meant going OUTSIDE if you had to go potty in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning!   Talk about a slap on the face and somewhere else… Can you imagine???

So for life’s little discomforts or for life’s major hardships – count your blessings.  It’ll change your whole countenance – and it keeps you from being grumpy before the day even starts:)

December’s Luncheon

Speaker: Johnny and Beth Evans
Growing Stronger by Grace
 Photo: Join us next Friday at the Knowing God Ministries Luncheon to hear Beth and Johnny Evans  - Registration has begun!  - Click on Luncheon
About Johnny and Beth
Johnny & Beth have four children, quadruplets; Daniel, Andrew, Katherine, and Quinn.  Johnny currently serves as the Eastern NC Director for Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  Beth teaches over 400 women each week in LAMBS – Ladies AM Bible Study at Providence Baptist Church in Raleigh.
Johnny played football under Coach Lou Holtz at NC State from 1974-1977, where he was a quarterback and punter. Evans still ranks as NC State’s top punter both season and career statistics. He was the Peach Bowl Outstanding Player in 1977 and was named the Fellowship of Christian Athlete’s College Athlete of the Year in 1978. The Cleveland Browns picked Evans in the Second Round of the 1978 draft and he played three seasons as the Brown’s quarterback and punter. Evans went on to play three more years in the Canadian Football League.
“For me, football and faith always went hand in hand.  I’m convinced a Christian is someone who places their trust in Christ during good times and bad times…
And when you’re playing football, as crazy as it gets — wins, losses, injuries — faith always reminded me there’s a bigger picture involved, and it helped me to keep things in perspective.
A win was never the greatest thing in the world, and a loss was never the worst thing in the world.
It was living by faith, and that would also apply to my business career, my family life, and every area of my life.”
~ Johnny Evans
Bring your man OR a friend OR come alone
Regardless, there’s a seat with your name on it!

Luncheon Details! – Click to Register

December 12, 2014
MacGregor Downs Country Club
430 St. Andrews Lane Cary, NC
Doors Open: 11:00am
General Session:  11:30am – 1:30
5 oz Grilled Filet
Mashed Potatoes
Grilled Asparagus
Dessert:  Apple Strudel with Carmel drizzle and powdered sugar
(Vegetarian Plate Available
Indicate during Registration process)
Partial Scholarships Available

Author: Tara