“…clothe [ourselves] with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And don’t let [ourselves] think about ways to indulge [our] evil desires.”
Rom 13:14 NLT
By Lisa Grimes
There are lots of things we’d all like to accomplish in the New Year, right? I can think of several: get back in shape – or get in shape might be more accurate; eat more nutritious meals and chow down on fewer sweets; read more books – like one per month; spend more time in daily prayer, etc. My list like I’m sure yours, continues.
But of the all the personal goals we might have for 2023, there’s one that should be at the top of all our lists. And it should stand out above all others: To become more Christ-like.
Wouldn’t that make for a better world? It can in our corners of the world if we seek to make it so.
In 2023, let’s “…clothe [ourselves] with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let [ourselves] think about ways to indulge [our] evil desires.” (Rom 13:14 NLT).
When we focus on Jesus as the Author and Perfector of our faith, our desires, our goals, our plans will align with His and we will have set a firm foundation. If we do this, our other goals will fall into place.
Prov 16:3 (NLT) says, “Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.”
I want my plans to succeed, don’t you?
A quote by William O. Paulsell sums this up, “There is nothing that will enrich our lives more than a deeper and clearer perception of God’s presence in the routine of daily living.”
More of God, less of me. More of God in our daily routines…like while we’re working, cleaning, cooking, shopping.
So, I’ll be:
- Increasingly more patient and less hurried.
- See more needs around me instead of being too busy to notice.
- Experience more freedom and not live captive to others’ expectations.
- Spend more time abiding and less striving.
- Have more joy and less stress.
With Christ-likeness as our overarching goal in 2023, we can say with Paul (in 2 Cor. 3:18 NIV) that we “…are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory…”
I’d sure like to enter 2024 having been more transformed into His image. I know those closest to me would like that too!
In reading a Just Between Us article, Jill Briscoe (an international speaker and author of more than 40 books) was asked what she saw as her life’s greatest mission.
“Her answer was ‘to figure out what to do every day in my life – as ordained by God – and then to do it.’ Jill knows there are many things to do in life that are not ordained of God, which is why we must be single-minded.”
Think about getting up every morning and in our quiet time, asking God what His plans are for us for
that day. Then waiting to hear from Him. And then, obeying.
How would our days be different than they were in 2022?
We don’t know what 2023 has in store for us, but God does. And He is sovereign overall. There is no such thing as partial sovereignty.
So, let’s let Him take care of our worries as He instructs us to do in 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT), “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” Then we can focus on growing more like Him. We can let Him guide us through our days.
My prayer for this year is found in Isaiah 58:11 (NLT), “The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.”
I want to overflow with His presence. And work toward hearing these words in John 17:4 (NIV) “I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.”