Oklahoma, Sandy – What Really Matters in Life

Matthew 6:19-20 NLT
“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal.”

Experts say the tornado that hit Oklahoma  – dwarfs the atomic bomb that hit Hiroshima, Japan.  Now that’s powerful.  (But don’t forget, Hiroshima was not a natural disaster.)


Then I think about the “Storm of the Century,” Super storm Sandy that hit the northeast last fall.


Then I think about the “freak snow storms” that have hit in the middle of May this year.  Wisconsin, South Dakota, Colorado and other parts of the world that received record levels of snow in a time of year that snow normally does not fall…

This got me thinking to what is happening around whole world – check out this map:  Natural Disaster Map  In 2013 alone, look at all the parts of the world that have documented natural disasters.
With the exception of Greenland, there is NOT a region on the entire globe that is not experiencing some form of disaster.

Do you think our Creator could be allowing these disasters in order to get our attention?  Could He be trying to redirect our attention away from the things in life that are so temporary –  to the things that really matter in life?
Such as establishing a relationship with God through Jesus Christ… 
And becoming more than the a pew sitter and growing in that relationship allowing it to impact the way you think; the way you behave and the decisions that you make?

Are you storing treasures in heaven?  Do you even know what that means?  It’s okay if you don’t.  But allow what’s happening in the world to cause you to pause…  to think…

What are you doing with your life?  If you met your Creator today – would you be ready?  Or horribly ashamed and regretful?

In the mean time, what do you think about all these natural disasters? Leave a comment.

If you aren’t sure what it means to store treasures in heaven – start learning now.
Begin making investments into what really matters in life. 

Created for Purpose Bible Study

Click HERE for more.



Author: Tara