Same Sex Marriage and Good Friday

Deuteronomy 30:10;20 NLT
The Lord your God will delight in you if you obey His voice and keep the commands and decrees written in this Book of Instruction [the Bible].  This is the key to your life.

This morning I opened the paper to find that the Supreme Court is hearing arguments about same-sex marriage.  An event that could forever redefine the definition of marriage. 

I read the arguments for both sides.  I can see the reasons and passions behind each side.  The same-sex argument is very persuasive and tugs at the heart. 

Then it occurred to me why the argument FOR same-sex marriage could so easily be adopted.

There are no standards in America anymore.  The Bible was the standard for the founding fathers and the Constitution.  The Bible was intended to be the ongoing standard. But Satan has done a great job at deceiving us into believing that the constitution says we have freedom from religion, not freedom of religion.

In 1972, where was the Body of Christ when Roe vs Wade was passed by the Supreme Court?  Sleeping? 

In 2013, where is the Body of Christ when the definition of marriage is on the verge of extinction? 

I personally have been sleeping.  Maybe you have too.  We must wake up. 


1.  Be the standard of God in your corner of the world.  Read the Bible each day.  DO NOT WAIVER.  IT IS OUR STANDARD.  You can do this in a loving, gentle way when given opportunity.

2.  PRAY for the Supreme Court Justices over the coming months.  The decision will come in the next few months.  But the Justices are human beings.  I often instinctively know the answer immediately when pondering a decision.  Many of these justices already KNOW what side they will take. 

Justice Kennedy seems to be on the fence.  Let’s pray for him and any others wavering.

3.  Repent – I must admit, I have not prayed for the President as I am commanded to in Scripture.  Pray for God to soften his heart.  That he’d fear God more than he fears man.

4.  Pray for the Senators and Congress People who are believers.  Pray for their courage and strength to stand firm.  They need our prayers.

5.  Obey whatever the Holy Spirit may tell you to do in your corner of the world.  If it’s to make a phone call; write a letter; go to Washington; start a prayer group; peacefully protest…  Whatever it is – He’ll make it clear.  Obey the voice of truth.  Blessings follow obedience.

This video will take 4 minutes.  It’s worth the time.  It beautifully connects Easter Week and the  major issues facing America. 
May we wake up and begin praying…

Do you need help remembering to pray?  Organize your prayer needs so that you can be faithful in prayer.  Order the Intimacy with God, Your Daily Guide to Prayer Prayer Journal today. 
Click HERE to order.

Author: Tara