Put on the Brakes!

(Part Two of a Three Part series entitled STOP AND GO, by Fuller )

“. . .all nations on earth will be blessed,
because you have obeyed Me.” 
Genesis 22:18
The movie FORREST GUMP*, about a man with special needs who leads an extraordinary life, has a humorous scene from Forrest’s college years:
Due to polio and teasing because of leg braces, Forrest miraculously takes to running, and learns that he can run very, very fast.  So fast, in fact, he is awarded a scholarship to the University of Alabama for football.  The funny part comes when the university realizes:  while Forrest is great at the “go” of running fast, he has not learned when to STOP.  So, at key moments in their games, signs which initially read, “Run, Forrest, Run!” get turned into signs which read, “STOP, Forrest!”

*(Forrest Gump is a 1994 American epic romantic comedy-drama filmbased on the 1986
novel of the same name by Winston Groom. Source: Wikipedia.) Photo credit: www.quora.com
The movie’s humor works because it is incredulous that someone wouldn’t recognize when or how to stop.

Hmmm?  In this particular area, aren’t we ALL “special needs”?  We’re good at “GO” –  most American lives have a busyness teetering on chaos.   But. . . can we STOP? Do we know HOW to?
Does anyone naturally recognize when:
            – to stop an argument?
            – end an unsafe relationship? 
            – walk away from a stymied work environment? 
            – that next drink is one too many?
            – that “bargain” is, in fact, fiscally unwise?
            – to hold her tongue as a social conversation morphs into gossip?

Honestly, in the example of Forrest Gump, I recognize myself.  
And I admit I am in need of training:    

You see, learning to hear the “stop” is as important as learning to hear the “go.”
One of yesterday’s “go” verses was to Abraham.  Once God was certain Abraham would obey the “go”, He then educated him on the STOP.
Read Genesis 22:1-18.
(Simply open a new page on your computer and type the reference into your browser,
and the passage will come up. . . or turn to it in your own Bible.)
What a hard way for Abraham to be trained to hear the “Stop!”  Thankfully for him, Isaac, Sarah and the rest us (for the lineage of Christ comes through Isaac) – Abraham wasn’t so bent on proving to God that he had heard the “go” of 22:2, that he couldn’t hear the “stop” of 22:12!   
What about you?  
Would you hear STOP if God were to shout it? 
What about if He were to speak in His preferred method:  in a “still, small voice”?  
( I Kings 19:12, KJV) 
Would I?
Because one thing is for sure: neither you nor I is likely to receive a Forrest Gump-like personalized banner!

 Lord, please give us ears to hear Stop when You speak it, 
and hearts full of courage to obey. 
In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

[Next time, the final post in this series:  “Mother, May I?:  How to HEAR the STOP and the GO”]

Copyright 2013, K. Fuller Harvey/Knowing God Ministries. All rights reserved.

Author: Tara