Parenting Q&A with Beth – Workshop Review

II Peter 1:3
“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.”

I personally appreciated Beth’s willingness to share real life issues and how she handled them when her 4 children were in the home. 

Today, I’d like to share six of the many topics we discussed in our Q&A.  I’ll share the issue in purple and her answer in black.

1.  Being Left Out – “When our standard is the Bible, we have to be secure and face the facts that we are going to be left out of social funtions – as will our children.  My response was to say, ‘Ok, 5 have left you out, but what about the other 200 girls in your class of 400?'”

Tell your kids to sit with the one being left out.  Be the one who goes to that child who is sitting all alone.

2.  What if your kids resist going to church –  “It’s not negotiable.  We are going to church.” 

“When sports interupted by having games that were every Sunday morning, Johnny and I made the decision that we were not going to allow the culture to pressure us against our conscience.  We simply pulled our child out of that particular league.  (By the way, both of her sons ended up playing college football.  Despite choosing not to play on Sundays.)”

3.  Spiritual Training in the home:  They had family devotions. But she warned that something would always seem to happen when they did.  She reminded us, “You are the parent and simply tell them, ‘This is what we are going to do.'”

4.  Spiritual Training outside the home – She was very proactive in making sure she put them in front of other people who loved the Lord;  Solid Christian summer camps; outside Bible studies that were hosted in restaurants like IHOP.  (Great idea!) 

5.  Social Media – You are the parent.  Be the parent.  Do not be driven by the culture or allow the culture to pressure you into “what everyone else is doing.”

6.  Dating – It’s so important that you have the opportunity to teach your daughter how to go on a date.  And to teach your son how to take a girl on a proper date.  So many kids do things in groups, but it’s important they know how to date prior to leaving your home.

Bottom line:  When you are spending time with Jesus each day, He will give you wisdom and discernment.  Sometimes I’d be surprised at what other parents in church and Christian school were allowing their children to do.  Regardless, we are the parent.    Have a back bone and stand firm!    Even if that means always being the Sheriff in town – be the Sheriff.    You can be friends later.”

Great advice!

Author: Tara