A Life Restored

Isaiah 61:3
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.

Friday’s luncheon was off the charts fabulous!  Carol Godwin, our speaker for Surviving the Fiery Trials of Life, had us in tears and in laughter all within the same 5 minute period. 

75 women were in attendance!  We are close to being at capacity and may have to go to a wait list – Go God!  The KGM Team and those who partner with us – can rejoice because God is blessing our efforts and honoring our prayers to help women grow in their relationship with Jesus…  To help them grow deep roots in their faith and love walk with Jesus.

What I’d like to do over the next few days, is share some of Carol’s nuggets from the General Session and the Workshop. I will not be able to share it all – but there were a few things that the Lord had me pondering over the weekend. As iron sharpens iron, I think it will sharpen you too.
Do you see this picture (and the one below)? 
Notice her joy.  She is like this every time I’m around her – full of joy.
This cannot be manufactured artificially – but can only come from a deep abiding relationship with Christ.


Carol’s Story

Carol’s mother died of breast cancer when she was very young.  Her father, an alcoholic attempted to raise her, however she was eventually sent to a children’s home.  A few years later, she would go to live with an aunt and an uncle… and at times back to her father.  She shared that she “faced situations that no young child should ever have to face.”
At the tender age of 16, she ran off and got married.  Thinking that marriage would help her, she had a baby at 17, but soon divorced.    Following this season, she said that she lived “a sinful, selfish life and made bad, painful decisions.” 
She married again at the age of 21, someone whom she described as having “more baggage then her, if that were possible.”
Today, I want to stop right here and ask this question…  What have you done in your past that you think is beyond God’s willingness to work in your life?   What sin(s) have you committed that you think is so great –  that it is beyond repair?
Do the skeletons in your closet torment you?
Carol’s story should give us hope that if we will make Jesus and our relationship with Him the priority of our lives, just as she has… 
God can, “repay for the years the locusts have eaten,” bringing restoration and joy into our lives.  (Joel 2:25)
He will also:
“provide for those of you who grieve…
bestow on you a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. 
You too can be an oak of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.” (Isa. 61:3)
Because of Jesus, Carol IS a display of His splendor in a life that started horribly wrong… She is one woman, who determined to grab hold of Jesus and resolved to get to know Him better. 
And look at her!  Don’t you see His joy?  A life restored? 
 It didn’t start out this way.
If this describes you or someone you know – Be Encouraged!

Author: Tara