Do you have a Mentor?

1 Corinthians 4:16-17NLT
So I urge you to imitate me….
Timothy will remind you of how I follow Christ Jesus…
The big question this week has been, “Do you have Jesus girls in your life?”
Today I want to transition to this question:  Do you have someone in your sphere of friends, whose walk with Jesus is worth imitating? 
A mentor of sorts…

The believers in Corinth had the same problem so many of us face today:  the world compromising their walk with Jesus  – which is SO easy to do…
Paul’s solution:  To imitate him.
In other words, “If you don’t know how to act…  do what I would do.   I will show you how to live a life that’s worthy of imitating.
Do you have someone worth imitating in your everyday life?

Her Description

She’s the real deal – she doesn’t just have a fish on the back of her car, a cross around her neck, and a really good God story.   She’s living the Word as best she can…  You’ve seen her have supernatural peace and joy despite rough circumstances.  The Bible is her life – not just a book toted to church each week.

Preferred Qualifications

1.  Preferably someone you are not related to.
2.  Preferably someone older than you – definitely older in her walk with the Lord.
Do you have that person in mind?  If not, let’s follow Cindy’s instructions in finding Jesus girls:
1.  Ask the Lord in prayer to open your eyes to her…
2.  Seek – Be watching who the Lord may point out.  
Then what??
3.  Knock –  
I knocked on the door of a potential mentor just this week.  I’ll share more in the next post!

Speaking of people worth emulating:
Though we live in the same state, she lives too far to mentor me.  Yet I had a thrill last weekend, as I got to meet someone that has walked the road I’m walking – and has walked it very well:  Lysa Terkeurst!
She’s the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries out of Charlotte and is a two times best selling author!

We both spoke at the same church, Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va.  She was the keynote speaker.  I was one of  three breakout speakers. 

Y’all, it was the biggest church I’ve ever been exposed to.  It has between 8000-10,000 members.  It makes one of the mega churches in my area look small.

While she is quite comfortable before thousands, I was on the verge of  feeling a little overwhelmed with small workshop I taught.  (below ~500.)   The subject: “Transforming your Personal Life.”

While it was a thrill to meet Lysa, it was even a greater thrill to meet the women.  A Virginia state senator in my workshop, who does a great deal with right to life issues, made a point to encourage my socks off.  She confessed that she has been too busy to sit with Jesus – and that she knows she needs to make more time for Him in her daily life!  (Humbled.  Go God!)

Another woman my mother’s age, named Sandy, sitting behind me, leaned forward before I walked on stage and said, “I can’t wait to hear how you’re going to transform my life…” 

No pressure, huh?!

Any way…  It was really cool!  By the way, I’m wearing the stress from last week on my lips now.  Anyone plagued with fever blisters as well???    My lower lip is in pain!

Hope to see you at ISI on Friday:)  have a great weekend.

Author: Tara