February Luncheon

John 16:33
“In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”
To those of you, who are in or
have been in
great hardships and trials…
To those of you who know someone
in the fiery trial…
This month is for you!
Friday, February 8, 2013 
Surviving Life’s Fiery Trials
Click Here to Register
What do I do when I am faced with a crisis, a tragedy, or a situation where I have no control? Where do I turn, who do I turn to?

Speaker: Carol Godwin, see bio below
How to Walk with Someone Through Their Fiery Trial

Workshop: 1:25pm-2:00pm

Have you ever been unsure of what to say or do when someone is deeply hurting? Sometimes we check out… Sometimes we put our foot in our mouth!

In this workshop, you’ll learn practical ideas and tips on responding with sensitivity when someone is hurting.

General Session, 11:30am-1:00pm,

MacGregor Downs Country Club

$20.00 –Pre-Registration rate until Wednesday, February 6th.
$25 – After February 6th

A great lunch, fellowship with other women,
and a message geared to help you in your everyday life live in victory over your hardship.

Workshop: 1:25pm-2:05pm
$5 when attending lunch
Without lunch: $15

General Session: 11:30am-1:00pm
Click Here to Register
About Carol:

Carol Godwin and her daughter
KGM Board Member, Dina Hester

Wife, mother, stepmother and grandmother, advocate for the unborn and for disadvantaged women and children. Carol Godwin is married to the Senior Vice President and Provost at Liberty University. She has a Masters in Counseling from Liberty University. For many years, she counseled at Thomas Road Baptist Church, Liberty University and in private practice with a licensed colleague. Carol was trained as a chaplain through Virginia Baptist Hospital and was the first volunteer chaplain to serve in the Lynchburg Hospitals.

But get this: for many years she owned a trucking company that transported new furniture from the east coast to the west coast! Talk about diverse!

At present Carol serves on several ministry boards, babysits her youngest grandson two days a week and travels whenever possible. We at KGM are grateful, as well, that she is the mama of Dina Hester, one of our Board Members.

While all of this sounds like an amazing life, she was also orphaned, abused, and has faced widowhood not only once, but twice.
Come learn how to survive the worst of trials and experience victory as you rely on the faithfulness of God.

Come learn how to survive the worst of trials and experience victory as you rely on the faithfulness of God.












Workshop: 1:25pm-2:00pm

Wife, mother, stepmother and grandmother, advocate for the unborn and for disadvantaged women and children. Carol Godwin is married to the Senior Vice President and Provost at Liberty University. She has a Masters in Counseling from Liberty University. For many years, she counseled at Thomas Road Baptist Church, Liberty University and in private practice with a licensed colleague. Carol was trained as a chaplain through Virginia Baptist Hospital and was the first volunteer chaplain to serve in the Lynchburg Hospitals.

But get this: for many years she owned a trucking company that transported new furniture from the east coast to the west coast! Talk about diverse!

At present Carol serves on several ministry boards, babysits her youngest grandson two days a week and travels whenever possible. We at KGM are grateful, as well, that she is the mama of Dina Hester, one of our Board Members.

While all of this sounds like an amazing life, she was also orphaned, abused, and has faced widowhood not only once, but twice.

Come learn how to survive the worst of trials and experience victory as you rely on the faithfulness of God.


Author: Tara