5 Tips for Enjoying your Quiet Time

Psalm 84:5
“Blessed are those whose strength is in you.”

One of the most common questions I’m asked when I speak at different ladies groups is:  “Where do you start?”

For the last year and a half, I’ve been reading a Daily Chronological Bible in my quiet time.  I’ve loved it!  I take notes when phrases or sentences jump out at me addressing my circumstance or situation.  This is often God speaking through His Word.

However, as we’ve started the New Year, I’ve not sensed the deep anointing on the Chronological as I’ve sensed before. 

What do I mean by that?  Meaning, I’m sensing the Holy Spirit redirecting me.  And as much as I love certain devotionals and books and Bible studies, nothing takes the place of the organic Word of God. 

So, in addition to the Bible Study I’m doing on my own, (often done at another time of day), God has shifted me to the Gospel of Mark.

Yesterday, nothing really jumped out at me. To be honest, I felt like I was going through the motions. 

If you have days like that – it’s ok.  I believe just by sitting quietly in His Presence – He’s changing our hearts and our attitudes and our mindsets.

But today in my quiet time, I took two pages of notes.  My perspective; my attitude and my direction were changed.  I love it when you can literally sense the pressence of God in your midst.

Tips for Enjoying your Quiet Time:

  1. Are you enjoying what you’re reading/studying?  You should look forward to it. 
  2. Is God speaking in that place (Book of the Bible, devotional, Bible study) or is it dry?   If it’s dry – it’s time to move on!
  3. Ask God!  I was “led” to the gospels after Christmas.  But wasn’t sure which one.  So I floundered through different devotionals; the Chronological and a Bible Study I was led to do during this season.  Yet, over the last few days, I’ve found my footing in Mark.  
  4. Listen to what friends are studying and what’s working for them.  God has often gotten my attention in this way. 
  5. Don’t be afraid to “change it up.”  This helps from becoming legalistic in your approach.

Something inside of me just “knows” when I’ve found my place.  I start enjoying it.  I look forward to pushing back the covers and making that first cup of hot coffee for the day and snuggling in my comfy chair – Bible in lap – heart prepared to hear from my Jesus! 

Hope this has helped!

Resources to help:  Click HERE

The One Year Chronological Bible

Author: Tara