Why Push off the Blankets for a Quiet Time?

Psalm 84:10, 11
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere…  No good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless.

Over the last week, I’ve dealt with issues and circumstances that bring me:

  • intense anxiety…
  • Frustration that brings out the worst in me… And in one issue, the feeling of
  • hopelessness.

Sometimes the negative dialogue that goes on in my mind is overwhelming.   The planning and scheming I inwardly begin doing is not good.  Actions will soon follow if I’m not careful.  Truly, in essence I’m telling God, “You aren’t big enough to deal with this.  I’ll do it myself..”

HOWEVER, during my early morning time with Jesus over the last few days… He’s replaced those emotional mindsets with:

  • A new perspective – a God perspective.
  • Practical direction for what to do when I get out of my comfy chair.  And
  • Hope – A hope that’s not based on a cross-my-fingers kind of hope – but a hope that’s based upon His Word that is certain and true.

Nothing is more precious then seeing our BIG and amazing God move mountains.  I’ve seen Him do it in the past.   I’m now confident, I’ll see Him do it again.  I saw a glimpse of it last week in one particular area.

However, break through has not come in other areas. 

But it’s coming!  I’m learning to:

  • thank God, for what He’s going to do
  • I’m thanking Him for working in these areas I see little evidence He’s at work.
  • I’m meditating on the Scriptures He led me to this morning – planning and scheming over them – not my negative dialogue.

THIS IS WHY we push off the blankets each morning!  Oh, the blessing we miss if we don’t!

Tomorrow:  5 Tips for Enjoying your Quiet Time

Resources to HELP

The One Year Chronological Bible



Author: Tara