The Power of Forgivesness

Matthew 6:12
“Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

The Iron Sharpens Iron luncheons are never short of being a God thing.  I marvel at how God uses the Body of Christ to bless and encourage each other.  Through the anointed teachings of Nancy and Cindy and through the fellowship at our tables, these luncheons can only be summed up as a God thing!

In case you missed Friday’s luncheon, here are some highlights!

Nancy taught us that unforgiveness is: 
It puts you in a prison of sorts – powerful illustration.  See picture below.
Do you see the doll inside the cage?  Nancy shared that when we insist on NOT forgiving, we like the doll, place ourselves in an emotional prison.  Unforgiveness wounds us…
It brings stress –
It destroys relationships – (hence: Cain and Abel)

Nancy asked us, “Do we want God to forgive us the way we forgive others… or the way Jesus forgives???”

God commands us to forgive.  When we don’t, it’s idolatry because we place ourselves above God.

When we choose to forgive:  we are set free!

Forgiveness is a choice…  “Lord, I forgive that person – help my feelings to catch up.”
Forgiveness:  strengthens our immune system; brings less anxiety and depression. 

5 Things Forgiveness is NOT:
1.  Always reconciliation
2.  Always forgetting – we must set our minds to change the channel when we hold onto unforgiveness –
3.  Always tolerating –
4.  Dependant on another’s acceptance –
5.  Making certain others forgive you –

At our workshop, Peace Making, Resolving Conflict without Running Away or Fighting Back, Cindy Finely taught us about the slippery slope of conflict…

We learned the difference between:
Attack Responses vs Escape Responses
and how to respond to conflicts either between our spouse and or others – peacefully!
Click HERE to see more pictures!
Don’t miss Next Month’s Luncheon:  Surviving Life’s Fiery Trials, February 8th
More information to come!

Author: Tara