Fresh Prayers for Old Burdens

Luke 11:1
Lord, teach us to pray!
The year 2012 is no more! It grew old, tired, worn out and now ceases to exist.
I wonder, have your prayers done likewise? Have you had a particular  burden of heart regarding a relationship,  a husband, child, friend, finances, a decision needing to be made ….and initially you prayed about it regularly and with fervency but as days passed, distractions came in, no answer seemed to come and your prayers  grew old, tired, worn out and then just ceased to exist.
If you can relate, would you consider joining me to set aside some time alone with God in these early days of 2013 asking HIM to give us FRESH and NEW ways to pray for “old” burdens of our heart.  Let us ask the Lord to “teach us to pray”.  
Let us ask Him:
  •  not only to give us renewed fervency of heart, 
  • but also to lead us to some new scriptures from His word which actually become the words of our prayers.

I love to do this, because I believe God’s word is certainly acceptable to HIM.  When I am reading my Bible, listening to a sermon or preparing a Bible lesson and suddenly a scripture jumps out at me and it relates to a burden of my heart,  I make that very verse the basis of my prayer.  I often jot down a note in the margin and or write a comment in my prayer journal with the joyous expectation that God has directed my heart in such a way and I believe  HE will answer that prayer  in His time and in His way.

And I have the faith to believe that for you, too!  
Happy New Year  – Happy New Prayers!


**Register Here Early and Save!**
General Session with lunch:
$20 for preregistration – Ends January 9th
$25 after January 9th and at the door
$5/with lunch;
$15 if attending workshop only
Open to ALL Women / Invite a friend!
MacGregor Downs Country Club, 430 Saint Andrews Lane, Cary NC
Wednesday is the deadline to receive early registration pricing. Register today! Hope to see you there:)

Author: Tara