Christmas Lessons, Part 2

Zechariah 4:10
Who despises the day of small beginnings?

3. Don’t despise the smallest, humblest beginnings!

Are you disheartened and discouraged by baby steps of faith?  Perhaps overwhelmed by your failures?  Repent and confess to the God of forgiveness and move on in a daily walk with Jesus through the ups and downs of everyday life!
Are you disheartened by your feeblest effort to speak and stand for Jesus? 
Just Speak of HIM!  Just stand for HIM with boldness around your Christmas table and trust God with the impact.  

Jesus understands small, humble beginnings:
HE who was born and laid in a manger….. (Does it get any more humble?)
Rev. 19:11-16 (allow me to hit the high points)
Heaven [will one day] open up,
HE who sits on a white horse called ‘Faithful and True’ will descend …
HE is clothed with a robe dipped in blood and
His name is called the THE WORD of GOD…
And He has on his robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS.”
O, come let us adore HIM,

O, come let us adore HIM,

O, Come let us adore HIM, Christ the Lord!

Author: Tara