The Value of Time Alone

Luke 1:26-28
“…God sent the angel Gabriel, to a virgin named Mary… The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”
There’s something very profound tucked away in these 3 little Scriptures: When Gabriel visited Mary, she was alone.
Now, it wasn’t Christmas, but Mary was in the midst of planning a wedding.  Weddings were a big deal in the Jewish culture. Quite often, the whole town would be invited.  
Yet we see that Mary valued quiet moments in her day despite the hectic-ness her circumstances mandated.  
Because she valued quiet moments, she placed herself in the position for God to tell share the profound with her.
How often do we miss what God might want to share with us because we’re:
  • Fiddling with our IPhone –
  • Scurrying around town for last minute gifts –
  • Busy cooking, cleaning or doing laundry –
  • Or just can’t turn off the music or TV  – filling our quiet space with noise.
Take time to enjoy quiet moments.  God may share something profound with you… 

Food for thought?   Would God have moved on if He couldn’t have gotten Mary’s attention?

Author: Tara