No Ordinary Day – Newtown, Ct.

There are no words to describe the anguish.  

Today, my waking thought was:  Friday morning, these people:

  • Woke up, like any ordinary day. 
  • Made their coffee, like any ordinary day. 
  • Got ready for school and work, like any ordinary day.

But Friday, December 14th was no ordinary day.

I’ve been at a loss…asking for guidance to KNOW HOW to pray in the midst of such devestation. 

The thought that keeps coming up to me:  These children are in heaven with Jesus.   No longer in the arms of their loving parents, but in the arms of their loving Creator. 

My dear  friend, Nicolette, co-founder Seeds of Mustard Ministries, lost her first baby, London.  London was born with a heart defect and died in surgery several days after being born.

Nicolette, had grown up in religion, but never really got it. 

So Bible in hand, she eventually immersed herself into the pages of Scripture… Never mind her previous mindset or what she had been spoonfed for years and years.  She was determined to learn for herself “where London was.”  She desperately wanted to see her baby again.

And then one ordinary day as she laid in her tear soaked bed, the Scriptures suddenly came alive in her heart. 

She saw, as never before, the familiar outstretched arms of Jesus on the Cross.  Except on that day, those arms were inviting her to come to Him…  So He could wrap His loving arms around her grieving heart… Giving her hope for the day and the next, and the next…

That day, her eternal destiny changed!  It was no ordinary day.

I’m praying that the family members who do not know Jesus, perhaps like my friend, may only know religion –  will go on pursuit to “find their children.” 

And may the God of the Universe, who led my friend into the arms of Jesus,  lead them into the same loving arms Who is now holding their children…  Making it no ordinary day.

John 1:4, “In Him [Jesus]was life…”
John 14:6, Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Rejoice in what will be one day for believers…
Revelation 21:4, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Author: Tara