Heaven on Earth: A New Definition

“I shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living.”
Psalm 116:9
“It was heaven on earth!” is a phrase often used to describe over-the-top experiences, such as a symphony, sunset, or an evening with one you love.   Heaven in those instances could best be summed up:  no pain, only joy.  In other words, it’s all about us.
I’ve spent time this past year thinking over the phrase from the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Kingdom come,Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”   (bold, mine)

To me it hints at the somewhat radical idea that I could experience portions of heaven now.  The thought growing in me is this:  We don’t have to WAIT to get to heaven; we are able to experience  portions of it here on earth, if we have eyes to see what heaven really looks like.   Jesus Himself told us to ask for it.

So I wrestled with my idea of heaven:  what does it look like? 
My images do not include hugs from deceased family members or streets of gold.  (Even though those images are of heaven.)  Those portions of heaven can’t be translated to earth right now.  

So what can? What am I to seek?

My heart tells me it’s:  
  • A special place in heaven called the Throne Room.  The place where the presence of the Lord dwells, reigns, shines, and is worshipped. 
  • It’s the place where we worship Him, and EVERYTHING else fades away until the only thing that matters is telling Jesus we love him, and
  • Receiving His love which soaks every fiber of our being. 

THAT is heaven: being in the presence of the Lord. (It’s all about Him!)   And that portion of heaven CAN come to earth. 

I searched the Bible for ideas of heaven-come-to-earth, and one image from the Bible really leapt off the page and into my heart. 
Read Daniel 3 (Old Testament) right now.  It’s quite a story!
Three men (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) were experiencing ANYTHING but huggy-times and beautiful sunsets.   Life became a fire wanting to consume them.  But in the midst of the fire the Lord came to them.  In the very center of their trial, they were ushered into the Throne Room of God and “they walked before the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 116:9) – and the Kingdom came to them.  They stepped into “heaven on earth.”
So what about you, girlfriend?  Are you facing fiery trials? Are the flames drawing near?  If so, have faith to see that you have stepped into a portal that can usher you directlyinto the Throne Room of heaven  – for He is true to His name, Emmanuel . . . Jesus is WITH US.  He is with YOU.  And you truly can experience heaven NOW.  I will pray that you will have the faith to believe it, eyes open to see it, and will experience the glory and power of His Kingdom come . . . to YOU!
One day, may your testimony even be of this fiery trial:  “It was heaven on earth!”
(For further encouragement, read all of Psalm 116.)

[NOTE:  Fuller recently published her first book,  Just As . . . I AM  (Vol. One), 
a worship-based Bible study with on-line worship playlists and NO HOMEWORK! 
To learn more, or to connect with her, go to www.justasIAMworship.com. ]

Author: Tara