Family Traditions at Thanksgiving

Colossians 3:17

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. “ esv
What are your family’s Thanksgiving Plans???
I love the week leading up to Thanksgiving.  Hearing everyone’s plans about how they are going to spend time celebrating with family and friends; what they will be eating; what traditions their family’s have.  There’s a buzz….a thankful buzz and it’s infectious!
Last year around the Thanksgiving table, our grandparents, brothers, sisters and children decided to start a new family tradition of giving as a group.   We enjoyed the time spent sharing our blessings and talking about the different ways we could contribute.  We decided on supporting a local area shelter.  It was a small gesture but it sparked us and united us. 
So this year, our extended family will be doing it again and we are challenging each other to give even more.  We are adopting a family to support for the month of December and adding support to a ministry that has been a personal blessing to our family.  This year it will be Knowing God Ministries. 
Luke 12:48b “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.”
This verse has challenged us and called us to act.  I pray that the Lord will use our amounts and multiply them for His Kingdom. 

Author: Tara

  • Thank you for this post. I had it on my mind all Thanksgiving and the days after and my family has been truly inspired to give back to families in our church who are in need this holiday season.

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