Post Election… What Really Matters

John 21:22  (Paraphrase)
“Never mind John, Peter –  you keep your eyes on Me.”

So I wasn’t going to even post today.  But when you’re as passionate about politics as I am – you can be elated in many areas; borderline depressed in others.

First of all, let me share why I’m so passionate about politics.   When I started falling in love with Jesus back in the late ’90’s – I began seeing the Bible and politics intricately connected.   Hence, my zeal.

Fast forward to today –

I think the reason my lines can easily skew is that I want elections to fix the injustice caused by our increasing secular, godless society.   But if this where my eyes are, they are in the wrong place and I will forever be disappointed and emotionally like a yo-yo.    Today, I’ve been reminded NOT to focus my eyes on an institution.  But instead – a Person.

My quiet time has helped my roller coaster of emotions.  The Lord reminded me that since I belong to Him, HE is the Foundation, not

  • A political process or 
  • A political candidate or 
  • An ideology –

But my Foundation is Jesus and Him alone.  My eyes need to be kept on HIM, because He is:

  • THE King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and
  • He will one day return and rule in truth and in justice (Rev. 19:2)  Yes, He will one day return to planet earth and will rule for 1000 years.  This may seem foreign to so many – but it’s in the Bible – read it for yourself.  Revelation 19-21.

He reminded me that He does not see Democrat or Republican – He sees the lost (those who have not acknowledged Jesus as Savior) and His Church (those who belong to Him.)

As I was reading in Revelation 20 this morning, I was reminded about the books…  Oh mercy, THE BOOKS…

“Then I saw a great white throne and Him who was seated on it…  And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. 
Pause and picture what that must look like…

Another book was opened, which is the Book of Life.  The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.  
Pause – talk about justice…  But think about this truth:
For every human being, their everyday actions matter and are recorded in a book – THE BOOK – the One that Really Matters for all eternity.  Judged by the Only ONE who can bring true Justice… 
Sobering, sobering thought. 
So regardless of our cultural norms, each one of us will give an account of ourselves to God. (Romans 14:12)


 If any one’s name was not found written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Is your name written in this Book?  Mine is.  It was written there the day I confessed that I was a sinner in need of God’s mercy – only found in His Son, Jesus.
I invited Him to come into my life that day.  Even though I didn’t understand all that it meant, I believed by faith…  And my name was forever recorded in this Book. 
Can you remember the day you – personally did this?  If you cannot, please contact us.  We will pray with you and help you so that your name CAN be written in THIS BOOK.

Yes, jobs, the economy and the various social issues that are near and dear to so many of our hearts are important.  But if our foundation is anything other than Jesus – not only will our lives be a perpetual yo-yo, but one day, we may be really sorry – because ALL of us will stand before God and give an account.

So, never mind the elections,  (insert your name).  You keep your eyes on Me.”

Don’t miss Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon.  It’s Friday!


Speaker Phyllis Foy

Click HERE to Register. 
You can just show up – but it would be really cool if you let us know you are coming!

Author: Tara