To Vote or Not to Vote? By: Fayeson Tilley

To vote, not to vote
To vote, not to vote
What’s a woman to do?
You will know them by their fruit.
Matthew 7:16
Are you experiencing this dilemma just now? Are you feeling discouraged and doubtful that you know enough about any of the candidates to really cast a sensible vote?  Are you doubtful as to whether any given candidate really knows the Lord personally and therefore, will truly seek His wisdom?

The fact is . . . only God knows with absolute certainty those who truly belong to Him.  Yet, the Bible, God’s inspired word and our moral compass gives us some amazing guidance on this subject.
Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths.
Psalm 25:4
1.     We don’t know another’s heart but we can be “fruit inspectors”.  (Mt. 7:16-17) What is the fruit of his/her personal character and the party platform represented?  

2.   How do both line up with the scripture?

a.     Is God honored and acknowledged or basically ignored?
b.     Is the sanctity of life valued-from the youngest in the womb to the oldest living human being on the planet?
c.     Is the candidate’s stand on marriage according to the Bible:  one man-one woman?
d.     Does the candidate endorse coveting?   Are you beginning to think that you should have a portion of what someone else has earned?
e.     How about Israel? God says he will bless those who bless Israel and will curse those who do not.   I wonder, has America been so richly blessed because of her history of standing with the little nation of Israel?
We are to “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God that which his God’s.” (Mk 12:17)  Whenever the two conflict, we believers must go with God regardless of party lines.

Will you join me in praying for God to lead the citizens of this great country to have the courage to vote according to the principles of God ‘s eternal word upon which our country was founded?

Author: Tara