Prayer Journal Demonstration Video, Part 1

Psalm 118:28
“You are my God, and I will give you thanks.”
If you have the Prayer Journal, Intimacy with God, Your Daily Guide to Prayer, attached is a demonstration video of how the first half of the Prayer Journal works.
Recently, I’ve received questions about specifics of its use.  I hope this video and Part 2 will answer those questions.
Doing this video series is out of the boat for me! Very uncomfortable.  But please know my heart, I’d rather you “get it” and use the Journal for your spiritual growth than for me to constantly do what’s “comfortable.” (Sorry, just being real!)
This one is 11 minutes.  Sorry for the length.  If you have the Journal and don’t have time – save this blog post and watch later.  If you don’t have the Journal – nor have interest in the Journal – go ahead and hit delete!
Hope it helps.

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Author: Tara

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