5 Parenting Tips in Helping Children Stand Strong

Proverbs 22:6
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old 
he will not depart from it.”  

Peer Pressure is powerful!  Do you remember growing up how much you wanted to be part “of the group?”  This kind of pressure impacts both Christian and non-Christian young people.  So how can parents build a strong foundation of protection?
Let’s look at five principles to help our children stand strong under pressure.

1.     Teach biblical standards and convictions early.  Tough choices on morals, drugs, alcohol, and sexual purity are coming.  Talk about choices long before your child faces them.

2.     Teach your children to spend time with God every day.  Learning to depend on God, gives your children the strength to stand firm under pressure and stand up for the Lord.

3.     Teach children the importance of their decisions and choices.  One bad choice can ruin their lives and the lives of others. Let them know that decisions have consequences both good and bad.

4.     Teach children about danger zones.  If an activity or situation looks questionable, help them learn to back off and head home.

5.     Teach children the importance of Godly friendships. Talk about choosing friends who build them up and stand with them to make good moral choices.

Parents, you are the greatest influence on your children’s lives – greater than their peers, greater than TV and movies, greater than their culture.  Your time and energy poured into training your children will impact every part of their lives.  Don’t miss this wonderful God-given privilege and responsibility!

Author: Tara

  • Thank you for the reminders within this post. Suzi, you spoke volumes to me with this 5 principles. Raising a 13 year old is tough work and this is such a great list to hold myself accountable to as a mother of 4. Am I doing all God has called me to do to provide for my children and their spritiual walks as well?

    Thank you

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