Developing a Vibrant Quiet Time

Isaiah 45:19 NLT
“I would not have told My people to seek Me if I could not be found.”

Workshop Recap:
At Iron Sharpens Iron on Friday, I was privileged to teach the workshop:  Developing a Vibrant Quiet Time.

This subject is so near and dear to my heart.  To me, it’s mindblowing that the same God Who spoke the world into existence wants to talk to little me – but He does!  He wants to talk to you too. 

But how?  How do we hear from God?  How do we have a quiet time that’s not defined as another activity?  Or just something we check off our list of things to do?

I’ll share a few highlights!   (Details for ordering October’s talk and or Workshop below)

1.  We have to understand that God would never tell us to “come to Him” if He could not be found.  He’s findable!  He’s just waiting for us to come to Him – yet all too often, we go to other sources for wisdom and direction.

2.  Cultivate a spot in your house – where you spend time with Him.  Cozy it up in a comfy chair with all your supplies close by (see below).  I personally have a basket – but I brought a tote bag to illustrate an example of the supplies.

Having your supplies close by, will help keep you focused and less distracted.  Do you ever start thinking about your grocery list during prayer???  It happens to me all the time. 
We talked about what to do when that happens.

3.  Record in your Journal what you sense God saying to you.   Then make sure you obey what He says.

We had an audience member who had made the Journal I authored her own.  She had personalized it to fit her needs and personality.  (When God allows me to see things like this – I get giddy with excitement!)  Yay God!


Spending time with God, listening to His voice is the foundation of Knowing God Ministries

Please do not be confused:

  • It’s hard to have a personal relationship with Jesus in an hour on Sunday morning…
  • It’s hard to have a personal relationship with Him in 2 hours during a weekly Bible study. 
  • It’s difficult to glean deep down, satisfying, God direction and revelation in a corporate setting. 

All of these things are found – when we cultivate quiet in our day to meet the God of the Universe.  The really, really cool thing is that He will speak about everyday things going on in your life right now.

So what are you waiting for?  Run to dear sister into His Presence.  He’s waiting to talk to you.  HE would not tell you to come, if He could not be found…

On a personal note,

3 Generations:  Caroline, my Mom, and Me.

ISI was super special Friday because all the women on my mom’s side of the family plus my husband’s sister, Marti were there.   Do you have any idea what a blessing it is to have your family on the train with you???

Caroline, my daughter was out for Fall Break at her school.  She is included any opportunity I get to include her.

I was so proud of her!  She’s 10 years old and sat perfectly still and attentive during Macon’s talk.  She also arrived with the rest of the team at 10:00am to set things up.  She was there for hours.

My sweet Grandma came also!  She’s 82 years old and is the matriarch of our family.  My two aunts, Judy and Connie (wish I had their pictures) were there as well.  My family had our own table.  Very special.

“Thank you Lord Jesus for the women in my family and all they do to help and support what you’ve called me to.  They are gifts from You.” 
Thank you Mom, Caroline, Marti, Connie, Judy and Grandma.
You guys are awesome!

To order October’s CD or Workshop:  Contact me and tell me the CD you want (September and /or October’s talk/Workshop).  We will simply invoice you until we can get it on our website.


Author: Tara