Lessons from the RMS Titanic

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Isaiah 48:17 -18
“I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. 
If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea.”

Yesterday, I took my kids to the Titanic Exhibit at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences.  (They are on fall break for 2 weeks!)  I was amazed at the artifacts that have been recovered from the bottom of the Northern Atlantic.   In fact, it’s stunning.

My heart has been drawn to this disastrous event for many different reasons.  However, two things jumped out at me as I walked through the exhibit:
1.  Clear, concise warnings were given – 3 different separate times.
2.  The failure to heed warnings by the few – catastrophically impacted hundreds.
In the hours leading up to impact with the iceberg, warnings were sent to the Titanic.  Not just one warning, but THREE clear, distinct warnings were sent. 

As you walked from room to room in the exhibit, you walk through the timeline of events that evening.  Signs are displayed sharing the time and the message that was transmitted to the Titanic.  One came in the afternoon of April 12.  Two in the early evening of April 12th.  Ships warned of large icebergs looming and to be careful.  The Californian warned of being stuck in a sea of ice.
However, as we all know, these warnings were not heeded.    It would appear that Titanic threw caution to the wind and continued full steam ahead at 20 knots per hour in the moonless night. 

It occurred to me that 3 times,  God was warning them of impending disaster – to change course – to slow down – to re-evaluate.  
The Holy Spirit does the same today.  He will warn us of impending disaster in our own lives.   He could be warning us about our:

  • Diet and lifestyle – perhaps we’re out of balance.
  • The way we spend money;
  • Relationships that we should or should not be in –
  • The condition of our country – and if we do not pay attention and take action – disaster looms
  • Professionally – He’ll warn about associations with people of poor integrity and deals not to get involved in –

The list could go on and on…
How does the Holy Spirit warn?  He warns within the depths of our heart and circumstances:

  1. A lack of peace in our heart.  Are you taking the time to listen?
  2. Striving – Are you trying to put a square peg in a round hole and it’s just not working?
  3. Wise Counsel from others – especially from our Jesus friends.
  4. From the mouth of God Himself – spoken directly into our hearts during our quiet time.

I think of all the times the Holy Spirit has tried to warn me of the disastrous decisions that ultimately impacted the lives of the people around me.   All because I was determined to have my way.
If only I had paid attention…  my circumstances could have been so very different.

Sweet, sweet friend – pay attention to His promptings and warnings.    The Lord has such good planned for our lives – but how can He direct us if we refuse to listen?

Need Help Listening?
Come to the workshop Friday @ Iron Sharpens Iron

General Session: How I Keep My Marriage Strong in the Public Arena
From left
Macon Newby, our speaker in October and Cindy Finley, KGM Team Member
Workshop: Developing a Vibrant Quiet Time
Speaker: Tara Furman
You can come for the General Session or
just for Workshop –
whatever you schedule allows!

Author: Tara