Pornography – September’s ISI

September’s ISI is now open!
Click HERE to register
Matthew 10:16
“Be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”
Luncheon Date:
Friday, September 14, 2012

Have you been overwhelmed with despair as you watch the tentacles of pornography create a choke hold around – a friend, a spouse or your own son?
Have you been left feeling, “What’s wrong with me?” while you hold the shards of your marriage?
A Focus on the Family poll revealed 47% of families said porn is a problem in their home, so pornography is an issue that touches almost everyone.

But there’s hope!

General Session:
Pornography – How Our Marriage Survived
$20/preregistrationby Wednesday, September 12th.
$25 after 9/12 and at the door*
Pornography: His and Her Perspective – Q & A

$5/with lunch
$10 workshop only
MacGregor Downs Country Club
430 Saint Andrews Lane
Cary, NC

In the two sessions, Rita and Kevin Bragg will their story of redemption and we will learn how to:
  • Implement technologies to safeguard your home –
  • Recognize the signs of pornography use –
  • Repair the damage done by pornography in a marriage –
  • Embrace loved ones tangled in pornography with both grace and boundaries…

About our Speakers

Kevin and Rita Bragg both grew up in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

Rita grew up in the home of a family who was actively involved in church. Kevin’s parents divorced when he was eight in the midst of his Dad’s battle with alcoholism. Following the insistence of his grandmother, Kevin became the church organist at the age of twelve.

Rita and Kevin’s relationship began when Kevin accepted a staff position at Rita’s home church. After 3 years of dating they were married.

In the summer of 2006, Kevin was confronted with an addiction to pornography which started at the age of twelve. As a result, the family left their ministry position and entered a season of recovery and restoration.

In October 2008, Kevin returned to ministry and in the summer of 2011, the Braggs became part of Hephzibah Baptist Church in Wendell where Kevin now serves as Worship Pastor. Their testimony is one of grace and restoration, not just for a fallen minister, but for a marriage, for a family, and for the next generation.

Rita and Kevin have been married for 16 years and have three boys, ages 11, 9 and 5.

First Time Attending?
Do you want to come but are nervous about coming – perhaps alone?  Let us know so we can expect you and personally welcome you. Possibly pair you with one of our team members.

Contact Kelly Hollis @
What Do I wear?
Anything but short shorts and denim!


*The $22 – $25 price change has been made due to people choosing not to pay but confirming they are coming – and then not showing.   MacGregor charges KGM when we RSVP for someone – whether they show or not.
Please do all you can to take advantage of pre-registration!
Make plans to attend and bring a friend.
Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!

Author: Tara