My First Jesus Friends


Psalm 101:6

My eyes will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he whose walk is blameless will minister to me.

This past weekend, my sister-in-law, Marti had a pool party for the girls of an old supper club.  (Friends from 10+ years ago)   We all used to live in the same neighborhood and we did life together.  We did play dates and went to the swimming pool together.  I wish we would have taken a group picture – we too busy talking!

It’s been years since the last time we were together.   Many of us have moved out of the neighborhood; our kids are at different schools and of different ages.  If we want our paths to cross – we have to be intentional.

So praise God, Marti was intentional this past weekend and invited us over. 

The reason why I’m sharing my weekend experience is because these girls were my first Jesus friends.   As we sat there talking on Saturday, sipping our Starbucks and tea (it was too cold to swim), I couldn’t help but get teary eyed at the faithfulness of God.

I shared with you a few weeks ago the point in time when I realized that I did not have any Jesus friends:
     I was on a walk in my neighborhood.  (By myself.) 
           It was sort of like an epiphany!  I can’t explain it.   
                  The Holy Spirit dropped into my heart the reality of my circumstances as I was listening to a tape of my favorite Bible teacher.
                              At that moment – I prayed, “Lord, I don’t have any Jesus friends.  I need Jesus friends…”

The picture above was His answer.  We are still friends.  And on Saturday, not only were we talking about the practical stuff going on in our lives, but we were talking about what God is doing in our lives.  Several asked for prayer.  Had I have been “on it,” I probably would have said, “Let’s pray now.”  These girls, no matter where they are on their spiritual journey – love and accept each other unconditionally.   Although we are all so different, these girls think like I think. 

Now what does that mean?  It means that they too are trying to swim upstream in a downstream world.  They are doing their best to impart the Bible and it’s teachings to their children.   And they are doing their best to live for the Lord.  And as Romans 12:2 says, they take time each day “to not conform to the pattern of the world, but are being transformed by the renewing of their mind…”

Are we perfect?  NO!

But these girls have been the faithful in my land.    Although this group and I do not see each other as much as we’d like – God has grown my circle of Jesus friends.  He brought more Jesus friends ~ faithful ones to my land to minister to me.  And I to them.

Name the faithful in YOUR land.  Call them today and tell them how much you love and appreciate them.

Next Post:  September’s Iron Sharpens Iron – Save the date

Author: Tara

  • Beautiful! Thank you for sharing and you truly do minister to many of us. God is blessing me daily through you and encouraging me to go upstream, though the current is often rough. 🙂 May God continue to bless you for your faithfulness.

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