“Arrive Naked and Bring Food”

Second Baptist Church
 Washington, NC!
If you live in the eastern part of the state, I’ll be here this weekend, August 18th!
Click here for more information.

How do you speak the language of love to man?

Arrive naked and bring food!

This was a taste from our luncheon last Friday!  It was so fun seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones.  Our speaker, Suzi McDuffee challenged and convicted us with practical examples using real life applications.  (Such as above.)

Here’s a glimpse from last Friday!  Don’t miss the pictures below.

Test yourself from 1 Corinthians 13:4-6

1.  Love is patient…
How patient are you when your husband has been sick for a few days and needs you to take care of him on top of everything else you do?

2.  Love is kind…
How kind are you when he’s grumpy and snaps at you?

3.  It does not envy…
When he gets to go on a fun trip or to fish/hunt or play golf on Saturday, how do you respond?

How are you doing thus far?   Personally, I didn’t do too well…  There was more, but this is a glimpse.

Let’s face it… loving our husbands the way God commands us to love is not always easy.  But Suzi gave us a few tips for when the love bank runs low:

1.  Daily prayer and Bible study is how you become proficient in the language of love… 

2.  Memorize Scripture – instead of saying the first thing that pops in your mind (which is never a good thing).   Next time he’s unkind or insensitive, your initial response will change by God’s Word.

3.  When angry, pray and then approach when calm.

Oh, there was so much more! (Again, a glimpse.)

Suzi also encouraged us to start a prayer journal for our husband so that we can watch God work in our circumstances.
And she reminded us that love is a commitment of the will despite hard circumstances. 
(Unless there are cases of abuse or unfaithfulness.)

You know what I had on my mind during Suzi’s talk?  Banana Pudding

My husband LOVES banana pudding, but I hate making it.  It’s a tricky recipe and I fail more than I succeed.  Not only is it tricky, but it takes time – lots of time to make it.   So to have a fail rate higher than a success rate, no thanks!
In my world, summer time screams lemon pie.  It’s yummy and light.  I love it!  So recently, while in the produce section of the grocery store, I began thinking about that lemon pie that I’ve yet to bake this summer.
But before I could grab my first lemon, I heared the Lord whisper, “Banana pudding,” in my heart.  Tim had asked for banana pudding for his birthday, 2 MONTHS AGO. 
Have I made it?  NO!  (What a quality wife he has.)
So when I heard that still quiet voice in my local Food Lion recently, I resolved to cook neither!  “Oh, just forget it,” I thought to myself and grabbed neither banana nor lemon.
Well, sure enough – the Lord brought banana pudding back into the forefront of my mind Friday.  My husband normally reads my posts.  (Maybe he won’t read this one!)  Only kidding… 
But I’m going to resolve to try to speak his language more – I’ll start by cooking banana pudding. 
Seeing that I have a 10 and 12 year old – I’ll be doing it fully clothed!

Click HERE to order:
General Session: Learning the Language of Love
Workshop: The Power of the 5 Love Languages (tomorrow’s post)  More pictures tomorrow.

Author: Tara

  • So did you make the banana pudding? 🙂 What an insightful message. I am definitely grabbing that CD! I truly love that everything your ministry does shines a light on Jesus and brings our focus back to Christ. God bless each and every one of you at Know God Ministries.

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