10 Characteristics of a “Jesus Friend”

Daniel 1:17

To these four young men (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) God gave knowledge and understanding…

I remember the first time I realized that I didn’t have any Jesus friends. 

I was exercising and walking through my neighborhood… It was in the day before ipods and iPhones… And I was listening to a tape of one of my favorite teachers on a walk-man!   (That’s how long ago it was.)  And she was talking about the necessity of godly friends.

My immediate thought was, ‘I have amazing friends.  I love my friends.’   But as I continued to listen, it dawned on me that  I didn’t have any friends like the ones she was describing.  I can then very vividly remember praying,  “Lord, I need some godly friends.  Friends that think the way You want me to think and behave the way You want me to behave.  I’m growing in You, but I don’t have a support system of people around me to help me continue or to encourage me.  Help!”

Within ONE WEEK, the Lord brought to my path 2 divinely handpicked friends:  Kim and Nicolette.  At the time, I knew who these women were, but they mere acquaintances.  However, on that particular week, in response to prayer –  the God of the Universe crossed our paths and we became friends.  Jesus friends.

A Jesus friend is a different kind of friend than your average BFF.  A Jesus friend:

  1. Loves you and accepts you unconditionally – your quirks and all.
  2. She doesn’t run when the storm waters in your life start rising.
  3. She shows a genuine interest in YOU – she doesn’t just talk about herself all the time.

Now you may be thinking that I’m describing a friend in general.  But here’s where the difference comes in:

4.  Her friendship draws you closer to Jesus.  She pulls you up higher – in the way you think and in the way you behave towards your husband; your children; maybe grandchildren, and others.  (Titus 2:4)

5.  She will always see your life and circumstances through a biblical/Godly prism and direct you in that way of obedience to the Lord.   (John 14:21; 15:14)

6.  She encourages you to have a quiet time.  (John 15:5)
7.  She may even gently hold you accountable if you start complaining or gossiping.  (I’ll never forget the first time I was walking with Nicolette. (“Walking/Exercising was a way that we got out of the house when our children were young for 30 minutes of quick fellowship.)  She gently said, “We’ve going into gossip.”  Ouch!  But it was true!  (Proverbs 16:38)

8.  You GROW merely by being around them because you are talking about things that are edifying – not the last episode of “Housewives of Orange County,” or how you felt about that raunchy sex book that’s big right now.  (Ephesians 4:29; 5:3-4)

9.  She will pray with you and for you.  (James 5:16)

10.  She recognizes the calling and gifting upon your life and works with you not against you as in jealousy.  (1 Cor. 12:12)

  • Take a Jesus friend inventory…  This does not mean dis your other friends.
  • If you do not have any Jesus friends – ASK the Lord to send you one.

Keep your eyes open – they are on the way!  This is a prayer request that He will surely answer if you genuinely want a Jesus friend.

Lastly, are you being a Jesus friend to anyone?  Sometimes you have to sow into others before you actually find a Divine friendship.

Jesus friends are important.  They are VITAL to our spiritual growth in the Lord.  Without them, it’s far too easy to be pulled downstream in our godless culture…

Next Post: ISI Update and the 3 Friend Principle

Have a great weekend!

Author: Tara

  • This post has been heavy on my heart since I read it. I truly can't stop thinking about it and pondering it. What a timely message for no only myself, but for so many women. The enemy of our souls wants us to feel isolated and alone, yet Jesus wants to be a friend to us and to know that we are not alone… Not only that but in His wonderful knowledge of us He gives us friends to walk through life with.

    Tara, thank you for being the light and constantly speaking truth where everything else seems to reveal darkness. Thank you for using your blog to point us to Christ and scripture. Thank you for being humbly obedient to the call. May the Lord continue to bless you as you change lives and hearts and lead countless women to intimacy with God. You truly are a Jesus friend… if only by internet. 🙂

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