Jump Start your Marriage in 3 Days!

General Session Recap!
Genesis 2:18 (Amplified)
It is not good, sufficient, satisfactory that the man should be alone.  I will make  him a helper, suitable, adapted, complimentary for him.
If you are married, what were you thinking about when you made your vows?
  •  How pretty you looked? 
  •  The crown you were wearing – how sparkly it was – and you couldn’t wait to get turned back around for everyone to see you???

This was a taste from Nancy’s talk last Friday!  If you were there – you were challenged beyond your comfort zone for meaningful change.  If you were not there… get the CD – Click here!  Here are few of the highlights!


Sarah Bowman, from the Christian Action League of North Carolina
challenged us to be diligent in prayer and to vote YES for the Marriage Amendment, May 8th.
And then there was Nancy, acclaimed author and speaker.  Oh, what a treat!  Her personal stories and practical examples kept the audience sitting on the edge of their seats – for both the general session and the workshop!
Nuggets from “How to Turn your Marriage Around in 3 days”
  •  Scripture says, “it is not good for man to be alone…”  Is home the loneliest place he knows?  Is your husband a lonely man?
  • Welcome him each morning with big kiss – telling him, “I love you.”
  • Forgive your husband.  Do not withhold forgiveness.
  • Who meets your husband when he gets home from work – you or the dog?  YOU need to be the first to welcome your husband from work.  She calls this “reentry”
  • Blast-off:  This is sending your husband off to work.  Blastoff should be with a big hug and kiss – blasting him off into the day!
  • Love your husband – love is a choice, regardless of how you feel.
  • Submit to your husband – she gave practical tips on how this looks in everyday life.
  • Sleep with him often.  Compliment him in this area.

For more, get the CD.  Or can order the book, The Politically Incorrect Wife by  Clicking here

Tomorrow:  We Need your Help!

Author: Tara