Obey and Jesus Becomes Real

Co-Author of The Politically Incorrect Wife, Nancy Cobb is our speaker Friday!

The General session:  
How to Turn Your Marriage Around in 3 Days 
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary, NC
The Workshop to follow is: 
How to Get Your Husband to Talk to You.  
Register Now!  Seats are filling up fast. 
RSVP by Wednesday @ 5pm
Nancy has studied the male brain for 25 years.  You will learn so much, yet laugh hysterically.  Both sessions will be thrilling, challenging and life-changing!  Truly, you’ll be sitting on the edge of your seat!

Charlotte/Gastonia Girls…
Make plans Now!!!!
I’ll be at First Presbyterian Gastonia
April 28th
Speaking on Marriage and
Walking with Jesus in Everyday Life
2 morning sessions; 9-12 
Panera’s catering!!!
Click Here to Register:

John 14:21

“Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he (she) is the one who loves Me.  He (she) who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will love her and show myself to her.”  (Italics mine)

Easter morning, I began thinking about the reality of God in everyday life –   Ways that I see Him in my everyday; all the places I see His fingerprints; and the answered prayers as well as the unanswered.

Then I began to think about the first time Jesus became real to me –

  • REAL:  More than a Sunday Morning God – (even though I was going to church every Sunday morning and even teaching Sunday School)
  • REAL:  More than my Bible Study God – (even though I had been in Bible study for years)

Jesus became REAL in a marriage that needed a breathe of fresh air. 

I cried out –

And the God of the Universe showed up!

As I began to obey what I was learning in Scripture as it related to marriage – Jesus showed Himself in my marriage.  I changed; circumstances changed and as a result:  I fell head over heals in love with the man I had married.  (And I think he started liking me more!)

That’s what makes this month’s Iron Sharpens Iron so powerful and special to me.   You will hear things that you will not hear in our culture.  You’ll be tempted to blow it off and to tell yourself, “that stuff really doesn’t work…” 

Oh, girlfriend, God’s way works!   Obeying God is not always easy.  But the tomb becomes a living reality in our everyday life when we choose to obey.

Obey – 

And Jesus shows Himself

Obey –

Your world and your life will be different!

Author: Tara