Favorite Bible Verses

See Video Blog Below…

Help us celebrate our 1 year Anniversary
Award Winning Author, Nancy Cobb!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Nancy is the author of The Politically Incorrect Wife
How to get your Husband to Talk to You
plus 5 more books!
General Session:
How to Turn your Marriage Around in 3 Days –
$20 for those who prepay and register
$22 at the door
MacGregor Downs Country Club
Cary, NC

How to Get your Husband to Talk to You –
$5.00/if attending the General Session
$10/if attending workshop only
Seating Limited – Reserve your spot today!
Click here to register
So grab your girlfriends, your co-worker, your neighbor – make plans to come!

What is your favorite Bible verse? I’d love to hear it.
To leave a comment, or if you are having trouble viewing the video: double click on the title and scroll down!

Quick note about the videos…
Last week I got an email from my editor. He offered helpful suggestions so these videos look a little more professional. I genuinely appreciated his suggestions. Yet, some are just not possible at this time.
So… I was thinking and praying about it. Then I decided that I sort of like the home-grown nature of these videos. Why? Because I share my life with you on this blog.  So why not invite you into a portion of my home? 

Behind me in the video is my home office that I share with my children when they are on break from school. It doubles as their “playroom.” (And it makes me crazy when they don’t clean up after themselves!) That’s another story –

  My office is on the 3rd floor of this amazing atrium area and my desk views a small lake behind the house. It’s a very inspiring spot that the Lord has provided for the KGM offices.  I have my children’s artwork on the walls.  This makes the space very special to them as well.

My team meets in this small office. We pray on our faces in the space.
Other than Atlanta, most of the resources are in this office. My interns Rachel and Hannah handle the shipping.
Anyway, I’m sorry that I can’t give you a Beth Moore type quality video. It is what it is. This is where I do ministry – unless any of you have space you want to donate! (Even if you did, you’d have to drag me out of here.) My office has also become my sanctuary.

Enjoy the video – from my home office:)

Author: Tara