Pretty Lipstick, Hair Color and Concealer

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Hebrews 4:13
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”

I don’t know about you, but I love lipstick, hair color and eye concealer!
The lipstick hides the blah –
The hair color hides the gray –
The eye concealer hides the dark circles –

So I can hide the much of the yuck from you!   But no matter how hard I try with pretty lipstick; hair color and eye concealer – God sees the blah; the gray and the dark circles.

After Adam and Eve ate the fruit in Genesis 3, they sewed together fig leaves to hid their sin and nakedness before God.  Yet the fig leaves were totally inadequate to make them right before God.   And God saw straight through.

Our modern day fig leaves can be:

  • Serving extra hard at church
  • Going to Bible study
  • Philanthropy/civic minded
  • Feeding the poor and helpless among us
  • Mission trips
  • Giving more money
  • Green living

All of which are good – really good things!  Yet, we have to be careful that we have not made these good things our modern day fig leaves to make us right with God. 

So what do we do with the pretty lipstick, hair color and eye concealer before God?

WE TAKE IT OFF!   God cannot be fooled.  He sees it all! 
So as the Lord brings sin to mind:

  1. Name it and confess it to God – don’t give it a pretty name.  Call it what it is. 
  2. Agree with Him – that it’s sin.
  3. Ask for the power to turn from it (repent) and for forgiveness.

Don’t forget:  Sin enslaves us.  It keeps us in confusion; in frustration and it poisons our lives and our children’s lives.

God is good and wise and knows what is best for us.  He wants us to live with:

  • a clear conscience;
  • in total peace deep in our souls; 
  • clarity of purpose; 
  • contentment despite our circumstances; and
  • deep lasting joy that is unspeakable. 

We can’t do this – unless we take off the pretty lipstick and get real before Him.


Not everyday, but sometimes I write down in the Confession Section of my Journal the sin God has laid on my heart.

Why do I do this?

I write down the sin or sin habits that seem to have a hold on me. The things I truly want eradicated but feel powerless without the help of Almighty God.

I have found that when I write down “whatever the issue is” – this helps hold me accountable. I begin praying about it – and then I watch God who enables me through the power of His Holy Spirit – empower me to be strong in my weakness.

What a joy it is – to be able to look back at the sin habits that God has delivered me from!
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Author: Tara