The Holy Beep and the Escape Door

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For this Friday, March 9, 2012

Speaker: Gwen Brodd
Theme: Intimacy in Marriage
MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary NC
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I realize that yesterday’s message may be raw and difficult. Let’s face it, “follow your heart” contradicts what the world tells us. It’s hard not to follow our heart.

Yet we must realize, that our hearts can often want what is desperately wrong for us. God adore us and wants what is best for us and our families.

Isaiah 30:21

Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
I call it the Holy Buzzer.
BEEP – “Don’t do it.  Warning, warning… Dont’ say it!”
BEEP – “That’s bad for you!”

I also hear this one…

BEEP –  “No one else may know…  No one else may see.   But I see and I know.  I love you and want what is best for you.  Go the other way”
This Holy Beep is the Holy Spirit – doing one of His jobs – redirecting me in the way I should go.  (see John 16:13)  He is the voice behind us saying, “This is the way…”

Think about Eve in the Garden of Eden and the apple.  All she was doing was following her heart.  The apple was beautiful and looked tasty.  Not to mention, Satan was whispering lies in her ear – minimizing God’s commands.  (Which he does with us as well when he lures us with heart strings.)
First of all, she shouldn’t have been anywhere close to that particular tree.   God had told her and Adam to stay away from that tree.  They could eat from any other tree – but that ONE.   I’m positive the Holy Spirit was alerting her as she was walking toward the tree, saying, “Turn around.  Don’t go near that tree…”
But she didn’t listen – she proceeded. 
We know the rest of the story – she messed up big time!!!  And you and I are living under consequences of her bad decisions.  (Oh girl, don’t think for a moment that our children and the people around us are not affected by our decisions.)
So let me ask you…  what precarious circumstances are we allowing ourselves into – that we fall prey to the whims of our heart???
Someone who is dear to me is going through the ordeal of  her ex husband being arrested for embezzlement.  This man is a believer in Jesus Christ.  In fact, he used to be a worship leader at a church.
I don’t know what happened.  But this I know for certain: at some point, he began ignoring the Holy Spirit directing his steps. 
I, too have my own consequences of ignoring the Holy Spirit as well…  I bet you do too.
At the sound of the warning bell in your heart, begin to recognize that this is the Holy Spirit directing you in the way you should go.  He knows the bitterness of the aftertaste and is attempting to spare us the agony.
The Consequence of Ignoring –

Author: Tara

  • What a powerful message with a powerful reminder. I have at many times ignored His warnings only to wonder later where He was and why I did that? Oh that we could go back and listen. It would save heartache…

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