Don’t Forget God’s Faithfulness

Today:  Prayer Journal Training
We’ll be picking up where we left off a week and a half ago:  “Thanksgiving”

Exodus 17:14
Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it…”

All winter I’ve been asking God to “shake the storehouses of snow” that are mentioned in Job 38.  FINALLY, on Sunday night – snow began to fall!

In my neck of the woods, this is the first snow we’ve had all winter. I love snow. My inner child resurfaces when it begins to fall!   Though this is so unimportant in the grand scheme of things and may not be important to you, it is to me.  So I wrote it in my Prayer Journal.

In today’s passage, God was ordering Moses to record a victory God gave to Israel over the Amalekites.  God knew that Joshua would need to remember this incident as a reminder of His faithfulness in response to obedience.   Bigger battles were to come.  And just as God had seen Joshua through this battle, He would be faithful to do it again.

The same is true for us.  Each of us have a crippling tendency to forget what God has done for us. 

  • Has money come in to pay a bill that you had no idea how it would be paid?  Write it down.
  • Has God sold your house in the midst of one of the worst housing markets in history?  Write it down?
  • Have you recently received a break-through in response to prayer?  Write it down.
  • Did God open a door only He could have opened in your personal life?  Your professional life?  Write it down.
  • Did God do something in your life that ONLY HE could have done?

When God does something ONLY HE COULD HAVE DONE – write it down.  Otherwise, you and I will forget. 

And when the next hurdle in life comes – and it will – we will less likely to cave into our fears – instead we will remember the BIGNESS and AWESOMENESS and FAITHFULNESS of our God.

Where do you write it in the Prayer Journal? 

  • Find the day of the week.  For example:  Today is Monday. 
  • Write the date at the top – Example:  February 20, 2012
  • Underneath, start bulleting (just as I am now) how you saw God’s hand at work the prior day.  Just as snow is not big in the grand scheme of things – it was an answer to mine and my kids’ prayers!  Big or small – write it down…

So that we do not forget God’s faithfulness in our lives.  This also grows our faith.

What do we do with the “Thanksgiving Section” in the front of the Journal if we are recording God’s faithfulness in the body of the Journal?

Author: Tara

  • This prayer journal training has been extremely helpful. I am so grateful you you and your team for the time it has taken to put all of this together.

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