The History of Valentines Day

Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Valentines Day?  Thanks to Macon Newby, a friend of mine, I’ve just learned the reason behind Valentines Day.  Valentines Day now has new meaning new meaning:

In 269A.D, Valentine was young, wealthy and in love.  He also was a Christian.  Young Valentine intended to consummate his great love by taking his girlfriend as his bride.  Soon he would be wed! 

But his pleasurable, orderly world came crashing down around him when the Roman emperor declared all that Christians were illegal citizens and guilty of treason.   In order to escape persecution, all they had to do was say, “Caesar is Lord.”  

Valentine refused. 

All Valentine would say was, “No, Jesus is Lord!”  Rather than deny Christ, young Valentine was arrested in the crackdown.

In jail, awaiting execution in the arena, he wrote love letters to his girlfriend.  Beautiful, passionate letters assuring her of his great love.  But theirs would be a love not lived out.  Arms never entwined in the embrace of husband and wife. 

On February 14, 269 A.D., young Valentine was put to death, martyred for Jesus Christ.

Gives new meaning to Valentines Day, huh?   Would I be as brave?  Would be as diligent?  What a blessing to still live in a country where we can love and worship Jesus Christ openly.  A gift I probably all too often take for granted.

Happy Valentines Day!

A Recap of Friday’s lunch – Speaking a Man’s Language with Respect

Author: Tara