A Glimpse into my Praise Section

1. Prayer Training – going on now! Make sure you have your Prayer Journal.
If you do not have the Prayer Journal, Intimacy with God, Your Daily Guide to Prayer, order yours today! ($13)
2. Registration is open!
Iron Sharpens Iron! See details below.
Psalm 100:4
“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.”
So does the praise section make sense?  
All week, I’ve done my best to explain the importance and the power of praise.  Truly, the Praise section of my Journal is the tool that God used in helping me to KNOW Him more personally. 
To conclude the week, I’ve decided to share my Praise section with you.  Now keep in mind, I start a new Journal every January 1st – that’s why it’s bare.  I’m starting a new list. 
Every time I learn something new about God – I write it down.  Perhaps an attribute that describes Him… 

Below is the page following my A-Z list.  Notice I do not record something everyday.  The Journal is not meant to be a legalistic exercise. It’s meant to be a tool that grows you spiritually. 

So when something jumps off the page at me ABOUT GOD in my quiet time, I write it down.   Below, is what I’ve written during the month of January.

Notice I put the month and year at the top of the page.  Notice I’ve referenced the passage I’ve gleaned the information from –

Recording what I’m learning is such a blessing to my prayer time.  Why?  Because when I’m not “feeling it,” and that could be on any given morning,  I open my praise section and allow it to springboard my prayer time.  Soon… I’m “feeling it.”

Do not bypass praising God because you think your needs are too great and you need to quickly tell Him.  OR, if you’re short on time, don’t bypass praising God.  In fact, when I’m short on time, I’ll spend that time praising and thanking God Him instead.  Why?  Because He is God.  And He already knows…   It benefits me more – to focus on His BIGNESS, instead of the what I perceive are the bigness of my circumstances.

I’ll leave you with this to ponder…  “Don’t tell God how big your mountains are – tell your mountains how BIG YOUR GOD IS!

Have a great weekend!

Iron Sharpens Iron
Registration is open!
February is:
Theme: Marriage, Marriage, more Marriage
February 10, 2012
“Are you Ready to get off the Roller Coaster?”
Cost of lunch: Pre-register, $20
Late Registration at the door: $22

Practical Tips for STOPPING the Roller Coaster
Cost: $5/with lunch – $10 if coming to Workshop only

To register: https://www.easyreg.org/cgi-bin/easyreg/registrationdbase/EVYDCJTNIM/signup.pl

Speaker: Autumn Weikert
Autumn is a gifted Bible teacher. Married for 30 years; home school mom for 20+ years (2 more years to go!) and marriage counselor for 15 years along with her engaged and loving husband, Steve.

Autumn has been traveling with me for over a year now. I cannot begin to tell you how blessed I have been by her wisdom. It’s sort of funny – when we go to events – people will sometimes call her “my assistant.” HAH! Far from that. She’s more like my coach. I’m HER assistant in ministry. You will be so blessed by her teaching. I know that I know that God has placed her in my life for such a time as this. Her wisdom has been such a blessing in my own marriage.
YOU WILL LOVE HER! Bring a friend! (But make sure you register! Let us know you are coming:)

Author: Tara