Doing What is Not Natural

Iron Sharpens Iron
Registration Open – see below!

2 Chronicles 20:3

Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord…
When the storms of life come rolling in, how do you respond? 
In yesterday’s post, I challenged you to do something that is NOT natural to do when you receive bad news…
Fall on your knees and begin telling God how great He is!  Give Him Praise!
Praise Him for the storm –
Praise Him as being the God Who gives and takes away –
Praise Him for being your Healer –
Praise Him for being your Helper –
Praise Him for being your Provider –
Praise Him for being your Rock –
  • When you need a job – Praise Him for being El Elohim, (Mighty Creator), and tell Him that you are trusting Him to create a job for you or your husband.
  • When you receive a bad diagnosis – Praise Him for being Jehovah Rapha, the God Who heals.  Tell Him, that you are trusting Him for healing.
  • When you need wisdom for a decision you must make – Praise Him for being Jehovah Raah, the Lord your Shepherd.  The God Who will guide you in all area.
My daughter, Caroline (9) was diagnosed with Juvenile Dermatomyositis when she was 2 years old.  Dermatomyositis is a chronic disease – affecting the auto immune system.  Yesterday, we spent the morning at Duke with her specialist.
I was hoping for a break-through at this appointment.  She’s on a very strong medication.  I was hoping that at this appointment, they would begin reducing this medication.  We’ve had 2 years of good appointments – its TIME TO WEAN – in my opinion.  She seems to be doing so well.

Well, the exact opposite occurred.  The doctor was panicky.  NEVER a good thing.

The doctor’s concerned that Caroline may be vulnerable for the disease to come out of remission as some of her symptoms were “flaring.”
This was not the news I wanted.   But this morning, I chose NOT to do what comes natural. 

What comes natural?  To ask God why He didn’t answer my heartfelt, faith filled prayers.  To question His love for me or for Caroline.  To blame Him.  To doubt Him.  To begin wondering if He’s a prayer hearing God after all.  To tell Him, “I’m serving my heart out over here – I deserve for You to help me.”

No, no, no… 

Instead, I followed Jehoshaphat’s example from (2 Chronicles 20) and  went to my knees… And did what was not natural this morning. 

I spent over an hour in praise to my God.  I turned on my music.  And I worshiped God as best as I knew.  I told Him how honored I am that He would choose our family to reveal His glory.  I praised Him as my God Who is in control.   I cried and wept tears of joy as well.

When I arose, I arose stronger, refreshed, and content with where God has me.

When the storms of life come flooding in – do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what is natural. 
Go to your knees in praise!

Iron Sharpens Iron
Registration is open!
February is:
Theme: Marriage, Marriage, more Marriage
February 10, 2012
“Are you Ready to get off the Roller Coaster?”
Cost of lunch: Pre-register, $20
Late Registration at the door: $22

Practical Tips for STOPPING the Roller Coaster
Cost: $5/with lunch – $10 if coming to Workshop only

To register:

Speaker: Autumn Weikert
Autumn is a gifted Bible teacher. Married for 30 years; homeschool mom for 20+ years (2 more years to go!) and marriage counselor for 15 years along with her engaged and loving husband, Steve.

Autumn has been traveling with me for over a year now. I cannot begin to tell you how blessed I have been by her wisdom. It’s sort of funny – when we go to events – people will sometimes call her “my assistant.” HAH! Far from that. She’s more like my coach. I’m HER assistant in ministry. You will be so blessed by her teaching. I know that I know that God has placed her in my life for such a time as this. Her wisdom has been such a blessing in my own marriage.
YOU WILL LOVE HER! Bring a friend! (But make sure you register! Let us know you are coming:)

Author: Tara