The Religion Box, Part 3

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**Had to push it back 30 minutes due to a conference call

Isaiah 9:1

“Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress.”

Isaiah 9:4

“You [Messiah] have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor.” 
The world we live in feeds gloom and distress:  the economic climate; jobless rate; diseases soaring; the political system; injustices, and much more – you name it.

Yet we too feed the gloom and distress monster as we inadvertently allow ourselves to carry:

  • Shame
  • Disappointment
  • Fear/Anxiety
  • Misery from consequences of bad decisions
Personally, these stresses are affecting my life, attitude, outlook, parenting and even marriage.  Yet, according to Scripture –  IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY! 
Jesus, whom the verses above are describing – CAME to deliver THOSE WHO BELONG TO HIM, from the yoke of these oppressive enemies that torture our heart and mind.   

If you, like me are craving deep down peace, joy and contentment despite your past, your circumstances and the world around us, there is something we must do in order for this to become a living reality…

Step #1
Jesus has to come out of the “religion” box. 

If you belong to Jesus and want to peace deep in the recesses of your heart, than you must – MUST – take Jesus out of the religion box. 

Jesus did not come to earth to be placed in a Sunday morning religion box.  Or a one day a week Bible study box.  He came to be our everything. 

He came to be our God.  He came to give us victory over sin and the yokes that burden us.  He came to invade our marriages.  He came to direct our parenting.  He came to invade our finances.  He came to invade the way we do business.  He came to invade the way we vote. He came to direct our paths.  He came to be REAL to us in our EVERYDAY LIFE.

Yet sadly, all too often, we put God in a Sunday morning box… or compartmentalize Him to being just a religion thing.   Our quiet time is an add-on to an already busy schedule.  He’s not our passion or the One to Whom we turn to in everyday life. 

If this describes us, we’ll NEVER find lasting, deep down joy, peace and contentment.
This is what the Word says in Acts 17:26-27:

“God determines the times set for us [You are not a cosmic accident.  God has determined the exact period of time in history you were to be born] 
the exact places where we should live.  [Where you live is not an accident.]
God did this so that men would seek Him and
perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, 
though He is not far from each one of us. 
For in Him we live and move and have our being.”

We were created to live and move and have our being in Him.  The Message Translation says, “we can’t get away from Him.”

If we want the victory that Jesus came to give us by shattering the yokes that burden us – STEP ONE is intentionally choosing to take God out of the religion box – and take Him into Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…

Step 2 tomorrow…

Today’s follow up steps:

1.  Is God in a religion or a Sunday morning box?  If so, confess this to Him.  Be specific.
2.  Ask Him to help you to take Him out of the religion box. 
3.  Ask Him for His guidance in the specific areas that are on your heart today.

Prayer Journal watchers:  These devotions are leading into our Prayer Journal training.  Why would you even want to do something new, if you don’t think it will be bring meaningful change…  The Prayer Journal was my first step to meaningful change.
3.  As we start the New Year,
Resolve to grow closer in your walk with Jesus!
Join me this week for Prayer Journal Training –
Here on the blog:)
If you do not have one, order one today!

Author: Tara

  • I am choosing today to be intentional about spending time with God. I don't want to put Him in a box but rather grow a relationship with Him. I am excited to see what's to come.

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