Gloom and Distress

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Gloom and Distress

Isaiah 9:1
“Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress.”
(We will focus on the content of this devotion in the days and weeks to come.  Don’t miss a single word.  Let me know if you can relate.)

I LOVE TOTE BAGS!  Let me show you the one my husband got me for Christmas! 

(Caroline picked it out!)  For anyone who knows me, knows that pink is “my color.” 

Over the last few weeks, as I’ve studied “the Baby born in the barn,” and all that means in this day and age. One of the big lessons I’ve learned is that Jesus’ birth brings something that I have not been living.  

“Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress.”  Isaiah 9:1
(Jesus had not been born when this Scripture was written.  This verse describes what Messiah would do once He got here.  Read Isaiah 9.)

For way too long, I’ve been carrying areas of sadness, gloom and distress in the deep tote pockets of my heart.    Oh, I can pretty it up on the outside – but deep, deep down – it’s there.

While reviewing my 2011 Prayer Journal over the last few weeks, the Lord revealed to me that these areas of gloom are so comfortable and at home in my heart – that I don’t even realize they’re there.  I’ve been living with them.  Sadly, they’ve become those friends that passively torture your heart – filling you with sadness, dread and defeat.

Yet, the Baby born in the barn that cold, starry night, CAME to deliver us from this deep sadness, gloom and distress.  For example:

  • Shame and embarrassment –  Divorce?  Abortion?  Addiction? Bankruptcy?  Foreclosure?
  • Disappointment and distress –  Shattered dreams of what was to be.  Vocationally…  The man you said, “I do” to, hasn’t turned out to be your prince Charming.  (Please come to ISI this week if this is yours.)  Children in rebellion. Finances out of control.
  • FEAR – from things in the past… 
  • FEAR for the uncertainties of tomorrow… 

FEAR is my big one. 
What’s in your pretty little tote?  Oh friend, we can dress up and pretend it isn’t there – but it is.  It’s become a squatter in the residency of your heart – living there without your permission – but you doing NOTHING about GETTING IT OUT.

As I begin 2012, these areas are no longer welcome.  They must NOT ONLY BE THROWN OUT, BUT they must be DESTROYED.

Isaiah 9:1 is a promise from the Lord to me…  And to you – if you will accept it from Him.

Please know, doing the same old thing – the same old way, will not yield different results.  We must be intentional.  WE must go on offense.  In some cases, we must get radical in our pursuit to be free.

What I will share in the weeks to come, you may not hear in many churches.  Yet, do not fret, everything I share WILL be BIBLICAL.  There are days that I will have to divert and talk about ISI or something else.  But rest assured – this is my focus as I start 2012.  The squatters of gloom and distress must go!

Are you with me? 

Question:  What’s in your pretty little tote?

Author: Tara

  • Wow, if there was ever a post or topic I needed to hear, I believe it was THIS one. I can picture my tote right now and the things stuffed deep in the pockets are so unwelcome, but at the same time, very much security for me. I too battle with fear but also insecurity and a DEEP need for for control. I am being so transparent here, but these things are so wrong, yet comfort at the same time. And they are all related too… I can't get rid of one because it's tangled into one of the others and vice versa.

    But, God is so good because He and I had just been talking about how all my efforts in 2012 will be for nothing if I don't face these things… Then, you post this. May God bless you for being His hands and His Deliverer of Truth.

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