Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 

I’m so happy to be back and I’m so happy that you are here!!!    Even though I cannot see you, many of you take time to connect with me personally so I feel a bond with you.  I’ve missed you over these last few weeks.

Christmas Break was refreshing.  We were home the entire break!   Both my husband’s family and my own live in the same town – so it makes holiday’s especially easy.  No airports, long lines, or treks down an Interstate.  I especially love getting to sleep in my own bed each night.  It’s a blessing that I probably take for granted!

I did not send Christmas cards this year.  There is part of me that feels guilty about that decision – especially for each one that I received in the mail,  I wanted to reciprocate.  But to be honest, they stress me out – BIG TIME!  And when I get stressed out, my kids and husband get the brunt of it.  So in lieu of becoming more stressed on top of the cooking, shopping, decorating and the wrapping – I opted out this year. 

So I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to share some of my pictures with you now.

This is my mom and dad.  They always prepares a feast for us!  We love going to their house.

My husband I enjoying all the appetizers. 
Brunch Christmas Morning at my sister-in-law’s house – front right.

This year, we celebrated Christmas very differently.  Tim and I sat our 9 and 11 year old down and told them that we will only be celebrating Christ from now on at Christmas.  That Santa is not real – of course they already knew. 

(Now I realize that some of you may have very strong feelings about the Santa thing.  Please don’t send me notes telling me that I’ve ruined my children.  My sister and I did the Santa thing growing up and we turned out just fine.  We both are in full-time ministry and love Jesus with our entire being.)

Paul Newby’s wife, Macon gave me this idea.  So, Christmas 2011, the Furman’s started a new tradition!  It’s worth sharing, so take notes and do it in your home next Christmas.

Roped off area.  You can see the black hearts on the landing area.

We roped off the gift area of our house – as seen above.  So when my children woke up – they were forbidden from entering the gift area.  In lieu of gifts, they were given 4 black hearts.  (One for each family member.)

The gift area represents heaven.  And heaven is closed to those whom have black hearts.  You must have a white heart before you can enter.  (I strategically hid 4 white hearts – it was a scavenger hunt of sorts!)

However, Jesus came into the world to give us white hearts.  Therefore, we must find Jesus, so that we can find our white heart and enter heaven.  (Ideally, you should hide the white hearts under “Jesus.”  Perhaps in a nativity scene or snow globe or picture etc…)   
They had such a great time searching for the “white hearts.”.  It didn’t take long before they found them! 
What a beautiful visual of the reason for Christmas – Once they found the white hearts, I stood at the entrance to the gift area and allowed them entrance as they gave me their white heart.  We closed by reading the Christmas account in Luke 2 and portions from Max Lucado’s, “An Angel’s Story.” 
It was a sweet, sweet tradition that I pray we look forward to for many years to come!  Macon tells me that she continues to do this year after year even now with her young adult children.
Thank you for allowing me to share my Christmas memories with you.  I have much, much to tell you.  See you back tomorrow.
Happy New Year!!!

Author: Tara

  • I too did not send cards this year and with each one received guilt overwhelmed me (I even thought about sending New Year's cards to make up for it). haha. Like you, the stress from everything during the holiday season that mom feels sometimes falls on my family and that isn't good.

    I absolutely LOVE the white and black hearts idea. My older 2 are 12 and 9 and I know we could talk to them and do this with them assisting the younger two. We have always had just 1 gift from Santa and tried to shine the light on Christ… the real reason for the season.

    You made my day with this post. I missed ya. 🙂

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