Christmas Series #6: Is the Easy Road God’s Will?

Matthew 1:19-21
…he had in mind to divorce her quietly.  But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream…
“Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.  She will give birth to a Son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus…”
In our natural minds, the road of least resistance is typically the direction of choice for most of us.  Even when there’s big circumstantial reasoning, the easy road is often interpreted as God’s perfect will for our lives.
No necessarily so…
Joseph “considered” the easy road.  He was well on his way down that road…  Then God intervened. (See yesterday’s devotion.)
The road God wanted Joseph to be on was not the easy road.  After all,
  • He would be the talk of the town.  Like Mary, he would completely lose his upstanding reputation and the reputation of his family would be at risk.
  • He would be misunderstood by his family – possibly criticized or shunned.  (When your family begins to question your calling – it’s super hard.  This would be torturous to Joseph.  After all, your family is often your core.)
  • He would marry a year ahead of schedule. 
  • He would have to exercise supernatural self-control as he was to take Mary to be his wife, but he could not sleep with her.
Yet the road God wanted Joseph on was smack in the center of His perfect will… 
So despite the consequences, Joseph refused to doubt God’s road vs the easy road.  Joseph courageously took the turn from the easy road to road that would lead him to the center of God’s will – confidently KNOWING and expecting God to provide for their every need. 
I don’t know about you, but I want to be in the center of God’s will.  It may not be easy, but there’s protection in the center of God’s will.  There’s favor in the center of God’s will.  There’s blessing in the center of God’s will.
So the next time you have a decision to make, don’t assume the road of least resistance is God’s will.  Ask Him.  If you genuinely want to be in the center of His will, He’ll lovingly reveal the way. 


Knowing God Ministries

KGM is now able to accept “Appreciated Stock.”   I’ve been learning about this.  It’s a huge win for donors!  Knowing God Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. 

Your seed of $10, $15, $20 or of computers,  helps us to offer life changing ministry to women at no cost.  You are helping:

  • women see the relevance of Scripture in everyday life – changing the way they think; the way they behave. –
  • women become wives according to God’s instructions –
  • women experience God in their everyday lives.
Your gift, no matter how small or large is truly appreciated! 
Merry Christmas!!!
Knowing God Ministries
115 Overview Lane
Cary, NC 27511

Save the Date!

Next Iron Sharpens Iron:   Friday, January 13, 2012!  Put it on your calendar now! 
Moving into 2012, our discussions will focus on Marriage.

Perhaps you are single, widowed, divorced, or separated – these sessions are still for you!  Do you have daughter’s, nieces, granddaughters, girlfriends, or people you minister to?  These sessions include you too!

Author: Tara

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